"The Magazine Stool" to change books, magazines and newspapers as they are loaded into chairs

I purchased it but did not read it "Piled reading (Tsundoku)Even though I read it, there are still many cases that I have to keep in the same way as before, but I put it on the floor, but at the end, there is no stepping stone of foot any further It will become a feeling and eventually become a garbage house, but if you use this "The Magazine Stool", what was just being loaded will be effectively used ... ....

Njustudio Hockenheimer Sitzhocker hier online kaufen | selekkt.com/shop

SUT KUTUSU - Dergiden Oturak: Hockenheimer

This is the real thing

It will be like this when used in an old magazine

Feeling to fix firmly with the belt

Even if you run it with newspaper, there is atmosphere like when you scratch it with vinyl string and put out for waste collection or waste paper collection, but this is "chair"

The price you care about is 128.50 euros (about 13,000 yen), the size of the newspaper version is 415 × 305 × 70 mm, the size of the magazine version is 305 × 250 × 70 mm, and Thing.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse