I reproduce the Mario world well with a small box, this one is also "horizontal thought of dead technology"

Nintendo's Mr. Yokoi Miyahira who developed game watch and game boy advocated"Horizontal thinking of dead technology"Although there is a concept of thinking, in the movie to be posted below, Mario was reproduced in a small box without using the latest technology or even the display.

Teague Labs »DIY Video Game in a Box

Video Game in a Box on Vimeo

Video Game in a BoxFromAdam kumpfOnVimeo.

At first glance it is just a box.

Pull the strings that are coming out a little on the front of the box.

Then the box opens with chokon.

When the box opens, the game starts as is.

Move Mario with the knob on the right side of the box. If you hit an enemy character such as Kuribo, the game is over and the lid will close on your own without any game over.

People who play Mario in the box. It seems to be surprisingly surprising.

It seemed quite difficult and the person who cleared was delighted.

From here it is a description of the box.

The stick that supports the lid is turned ON / OFF switch.

And this is the controller.

Turn it around to make Mario go up and down, avoiding Kuribo and patter.

The back side looks like this.

The pattern turns with a motor.

This box is made of what is fitted, and as a basic material, it is a handy component that you can use just by connecting them developed independently and edit the code"Teagueduino"And other than some input / output devices, use lime green tape, ice candy bar, cut paper, straws attached to soda etc. It is possible to play a completely different game just by changing the picture of the character.

in Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log