Male Husokuri cache place to produce with DIY


It is particularly useful for men who are wearing their wife's hips, and the way they hide Hokokori is explained with photographs.

It is a way to conceal a man who used DIY exactly like a solid hiding place such as a book gap and back of a drawer, but it is a bit too magnificent and it seems to be difficult to take out a gimmick It is finished.

The detail of a man's heskuri is from the following. First, mark the center of the lid of the cigar case which becomes the liver of the cache place, and drill a hole with gauge. And I will drill a hole there.

Pinch the washer with a nail to the unnecessary wood, fix it, and extend the center hole with a drill.

Combine the cap and washer using screws and adhesive.

When the adhesive dries, lid the cigar case. At this time, it is necessary to check whether the combined parts interfere and the lid does not float.

Next, drill a hole from the top of the room door.

Then, open the hole and let the cigar case enter.

If you incorporate a cigar case in the top of the door, if you do not know anything, it seems that it seems to be overlooking thinking that it is the necessary hardware for the door.

By bringing the lid close to a round ring shaped magnet, you can easily remove the case.

It seems that it is better to put items you want to hide anyway, such as bank notes. Certainly it may not be easy to find up to this point, but at the time of opening a big hole in the door wood, the family living together seems to be doubtfully doubt ... ...

First of all, although it is an acrobatic hiding way which execution itself is impossible at rental house, if it is possible to prepare a situation to work secretly it may be said that it is quite a good idea.

Detailed procedures for realizing this hiding method are described below

Doortop Stash - DIY How-to from Make: Projects

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log