Meat specialty shop "meat" "Tokushima's Hua set" not only meat but also onion delicious

Gusset ★ AsobiI tried to eat "Tokushima's Hua set" which is one of the target shops, meat specialty store "meat" croquettes and kushikatsu etc.

"Tokushima's Hua set" is set menu with a croquette and skewer, three yakitori, two leeks with a set price of 500 yen. There is no saying that it is cheap and delicious, including the croquette of the meat that sticks to the ingredients and all handmade, but what is the actual taste?

So, the appearance and taste impression of the "cow meat" croquette and other "Tokushima Hana set" are from the following.Tokushima Kurou Usa Wagyu Beef Fighter - Yahoo! Shopping

Traveling by car from Awaodori Kaikan Arrives in "meat" in about 10 minutes.

Croquette and grilled chicken are sold with various meat in the shop.

This is croquette.


Yakitori and goat skewers.

To buy a set and eat at a nearby bench.

When you open the lid a nice smell comes in.

First off from the croquette.

As expected, there is only a croquette of meat specialty store, it clearly understands feeling of meat quality. The sauce is not attached anything, but the exquisite salty taste of the pepper has a good effect, as it is, there is no problem at all. It is finished in a very juicy croquette. This is cheap for 70 yen.

Next is skewer.

Small meat at the tip. But this is juicy again with plenty of gravy.

The next layer is an onion. There was an image in which kushikatsu onion was not shiny by heat, but this was a feeling that the feeling of shakijaki remained firmly and the smell of the onion was not impaired.

The next layer is the second meat. This is very big and meat is fine. As with the croquette, sauce etc. are not attached, but you can enjoy this enough as it is. It's quite thick, but the meat itself is so soft that you can cut it at ease.

Next is Yakitori.

Slightly sweet sauce, meat has nothing particularly bad, but it seems like a normal yakitori. The quality of the croquette and skewer was high, expectation was getting bigger and it was a bit disappointing.

The last is an onion skewer.

Meat is similar to grilled chicken, but it has a good texture of onion as well as kushikatsu and it has a good feel. It has strong resistance and strong aroma, but few eggs peculiar to onion, very refreshing taste.

After finishing eating, I wanted to buy croquette and kushikatsu one by one. There were various other kinds of cooked items in the meat, but it was a set that I wanted to try them as well.

in Coverage,   Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log