A movie "iPad magic" which fully integrated iPad and Magic, and also a sequel movie

This movie "iPad magic" is a movie originating in Japan that boasts a tremendous number of views because the original movie is 1.14 million times, the Japanese subtitle version is 260,000 times, and the English subtitled version is 1.54 million times.

It is a tremendous magic that makes you realize the true value of the iPad, and it is a salary magician who has planned this magicShinya UchidaMr. Award received this Yahoo! JAPAN Internet Creative Award 2010 Grand Prix as a result of this movie, and "Seniority does not exist in planningIt was said that it was issued a book called "CNN · BBC · Wall Street Journal" etc.

So, the movie about how much awesome content it was is from below.
YouTube - iPad magic sub: J

There are too many views of this movie, so appreciation movies are also released. It is excellent that there is a punch line properly.

YouTube - iPad magic thanks 3,000,000 view

We are showing off such magic in commemoration of publication.

YouTube - a floating office worker

Besides, the following fun magic movies are also released.

YouTube - iCoin magic

YouTube - iPad magic SnapCal ver.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse