A woman who was checking the breasts of a female customer with a forming surgeon on the bar and turned out to be a former man who had undergone a sex change operation

Kristina Ross (37 years old) in Idaho, who was checking the breasts of a woman he met with a plastic surgeon and met in a nightclub, was arrested last Tuesday, but after that the fact that Ross is actually male To female typeSex-compatible surgeryIt seems that it turned out to be a former man who received the.

Details are as below.Bogus Plastic Surgeon Carried Out Breast Exams In Bar

Kristina Ross, who was arrested for bail $ 10,000 (about 830,000 yen) last Thursday for allegedly checking the breasts of two women with a doctor at a bar and nightclub. As a result of examining the pre-department etc, it turned out that he was serving as a prisoner for assaulting violence in 2004, and the record of the prison at that time was "MTF (Male to Female: male to female transsexual person)" It is said that it was registered under the name "Kristoffer Jon Ross".

Ross suspects women to believe that they are doctors using medical terms that they learned during their sexual compatibility surgery, and after examining their chests, hand over the phone number of the actual forming surgical clinic, He told me to recommend it. Idaho StateBoiseWomen who asked to call this clinic 's office "Dr. Berlyn Aussieahshowna" would be told that "there is no such a doctor by name".

A clinic staff who thought suspiciously about the number of phones asking about a doctor named "Berlyn Aussieahshowna" contacted the police, received an initial checkup at the bar and tried to contact "Berlyn Aussieahshowna" at a later date One woman who informed the police that he thought that he was suspicious because he did not exist, led the arrest of Ross.

Ross is charged with unqualified medical treatment and it seems that there is a possibility of imposing a fine of up to five years and a fine of 10,000 dollars (about 830,000 yen) for each crime. In addition to the two female police officers have found out, the police have seen that there are victims who have received "screening" at bars and clubs.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log