Is sunlight the key to preventing childhood obesity? Obviously children with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to become fat

Vitamin DChildren with deficiency are thick compared to children with vitamin D, and the pace of weight gain is also fast,University of MichiganIt became clear by research of. Vitamin D is produced in human skin mainly by taking sunlight, but taking sunlight may be the key to preventing childhood obesity, which is increasing in various countries including Japan.

Details are as below.Vitamin D deficiency linked to chubbier kids, faster weight gain | The University Record Online

He is an epidemiologist and an Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health at the University of MichiganEduardo VillamorDr. is a study undertaken while attending Harvard University,Columbia National UniversityIn collaboration with researchers in Colombia to investigate the relationship between obesity and blood vitamin D levels in children in Colombia. The paper is "Vitamin D deficiency and anthropometric indicators of adiposity in school-age children: a prospective study"American Journal of Clinical NutritionIt is published in the magazine.

"We discovered that children who were deficient in vitamin D at the start of the study tended to gain weight gain faster than vitamin D is sufficient," Villamor says. Also, in the children who were deficient in vitamin D, the fat increase in the trunks during the investigation period was also significant. The fat of the trunk (abdomen) leads to "apple shape", and in the later lifeType 2 diabetes, Heart disease, and various chronic diseases. Although the deficiency of vitamin D was linked to slow growth of height in girls, this correlation was not seen in boys.

Although it was suggested that vitamin D deficiency is related to childhood obesity in this study, Professor Villamor says that this is only a part of the complicated situation combined with various factors causing obesity.

10% of the children surveyed were vitamin D deficiency, 46% were in short supply of vitamin D before short of deficiency. "Interestingly, the capital of Colombia who conducted the surveyBogotaHeavy amount of solar radiationSubtropicalIt is a place that you do not expect people to lack Vitamin D in the region of. But there are many reasons why people who live in subtropical areas are not well exposed to sunlight, "Villamor says. Research carried out so far, also subtropicalSao PauloYaCosta RicaIt is clear that vitamin D deficiency is also seen in many cases.

"To obtain a confirmation as to whether improvement of vitamin D status directly leads to prevention of early onset of chronic illness associated with obesity-related risk reduction of obesity and obesity,Intervention studyIt will be awaited, but this discovery will encourage the efforts to improve the vitamin D status of children, "Professor Villamor said. Vitamin D is produced in the skin by taking sunlight, it can also be ingested in fortified foods and supplements. It is said that administration of vitamin D supplements to school-age children is effective for preventing multiple viral infections, so it would benefit other than obesity prevention.

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