"90 type tank" shooting and "74 type tank" ridge line shooting which literally experienced the power of shooting

Fuji general fire exercise in 2010so"Tank firepowerAs74 TankWhen90 type tankWas introduced. The 74 tanks were named in 1974 and the 90 tanks were named after being adopted in 1990.

Anyway the tank is a battlefield. That bombardment was deep power, and even if there was a considerable distance, the impact of shooting was transmitted to the body as a bilberry, and I was able to "feel" literally.

Details are as below.
When the Korean War broke out and a police reserve party (later SDF) was founded in Japan, there were no domestic tanks, equipments were provided from the US military. However, since these are used equipment of the U.S. Army of World War II, development of domestically produced tanks began as it was not suitable for Japanese physique and was inferior in capacity, and in 1961 "61 type tank" The formula was adopted.

However, around the beginning of the deployment of 61 type tanks the world has already reached the next stage2nd Generation Main Tank), Japan also aimed at developing new tanks and catching up technically. So developed is "74 Tank".

further,3rd Generation Main TankIt was developed as "90 type tank". It is deployed in Hokkaido as the development goal was to counter the invasion of landing of the armored troops of the Soviet Union army.

In the exercise, control was exercised by 90 type tanks and 74 type tanks.

First of all it appeared in 90 type tanks.

YouTube - 90 Type Tank

Apart from Hokkaido, it is deployed only to the Fuji mission team, the 1st armored education team, the weapons school and the educational unit.

A 90 type tank chase advancing with the sand smoke raised.

I show agile behavior beyond appearance.

It was arranged in a horizontal row.

And shoot all together. For a moment, if you think that an orange flare has been seen, vibrations like roaring and ripping the air are transmitted.

A 90 type tank that retreats after shooting.

A row of 90 type tanks leaving.

The 74 type tank which came in the foot of a small hill.

I will do ridge shooting from now.

Lean forward attitude for ridge shooting.

I climbed the hill and aimed, shooting at once.

When the roaring sounded, the next exercise program "airborne descent" began.

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