How do dogs compete against Vuvuzela the owner blows

It is possible to sound a vibrator while playing a movie on YouTubeVuvuzela seems to be prevalent around here as much as it becomes. Because it is sold as World Cup cheering goods, there may be some people who bought and blowing at home. However, the sound of the vuvuzela, which is unpleasant for human beings, seems uncomfortable for the pets as well, and in some homes the dog was trying desperately resisting to the Vuvuzela where the owner blows.

Details are as below.
YouTube - Dog vs. Vuvuzela - Dog Wins

A dog that goes towards the owner.

However, it is blown away by the vuvuzela.

Actually I might like to play with my owner, but it seems that Vuvuzela is getting in the way.

What is a desperate countermeasure that a dog came up with just as "Dokusho!" ....

Let's use Vuvuzela moderately so that pets and family members will not be disgusted.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by logc_nt