Headline news on April 21, 2010

Famous for CastellaGinza Bunmido gives 3 o'clock snacks to 300 people on 1st MayThat's right. How to participateTwitter page of Ginza Bunkado(To show tweets on their homepage, etc.), and retweet "Gifts for Brief Treats at 3 o'clock" of Ginza Bunkado (spread tweets), and at 15 o'clock May 1, Ginza Bunmyo If you present things that you can check Twitter screens such as mobile phones at a store in the store you can be at the snack at 3 o'clock.

By the way the contents of the snack at 3 o'clock seems to be enjoying that day ... ....

So, tomorrowApril 22. On April 22, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

Map to understand how much employment was lost in the US in the US - GIGAZINE

Maximum speed of 325 kilometers, too cool Lamborghini police car - GIGAZINE

Exactly overwhelming, release demonstration movie showing the capabilities of WILLCOM's next-generation PHS "XGP" at once - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
The person who entered Tenkaichi unofficial meeting was too strong | web R25(Memo, high school education · no income · gambling habit · debt etc is a standard element)

CIA ☆ This is the Film Central Intelligence Agency: a funny video of 1 minute that condensed the charm of Emma Stone starring in the latest work "Easy A" of an academy comedy depicting a reassuring revenge of a honor student affixed with Yaliman's label. It is! - It is a blog of rare movie information / film criticism of film intelligence worker(Movie, PV being introduced is anxious)

Ultra-sooo !! Within 20 minutes Ha! If not done it would not be a dream Well this is also an untitled document(Story, normally it will be stopped immediately, but ...).

Do not self-analyze - suggest ideal way to spend the beginning of your job hunting - Kanebo's blog(Work, job hunting already in 2012 has begun)

[NS] Reprint version GAME & amp; WATCH arrived(Platinum member benefits that gather points, club Nintendo points)

Kokukame: The bronze statue of Tokyo and Katsushika - broken every day - Mainichi Newspaper(Memo, one of the maracas you had in both hands will be folded)

CNN.co.jp: Iceland volcanic ash benefits exports to New Zealand(Business and export items are stagnating and the order rush to substitute items in New Zealand)

Togetter - Conclusion "Tweet pickup of Halu 1224 and Kitakawa Etsuko"(How to describe Kitagawa's twitter to write a script of a drama, "Do not be honest")

Tokyo Newspaper: There was a politician named Masaaki Arai known as a young artist. Tokyo University Graduation ...: Editorial · Column (TOKYO Web)(Politics, the Governor Ishihara who said that there are many naturalized people and their children in the National Assembly once said to Mr. Masataka Arai)

Nikkan's thread guide: Confessor Mr. Sawayama seaweed is "Onii-chan liked", bonito to sister moe attribute(Anime, sometimes like this story I can not stop "Sazae-san")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Choosing a bookstore member nationwide "Okatae's" Tenchi Shimbun "at the bookstore grand prize - Culture(Publication, this autumn will be filmized "Mardock Scramble"Okata Ding also is the author of the Grand Prize"

Mr. Tanigaki also tweets to the party debate: Twitter politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(There are more politicians tweeting whether merit is bigger than risks such as politics and funny things)

Mirror box: Ryoma's? "KAIENTAI" carved Kyoto - every day jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(History, the same as the initials of Ryoma Sakamoto "SR" is engraved)

Rei Ayanami's special figures are included! "UCC Eva can figure figure set" to release - Tokyo Walker(Three kinds of food, Ray, Asuka, Mali are prepared, and Mary's pose is particularly impressive)

I decided the name and design of the IC card ticket | Nagoya Railway(Traffic, it became the same name as one of the heroines of "Love plus")

51 ways to deal with stress - himaginary's diary(Life, a way to relieve stress immediately)

Dealing with uncontrollable belly and corner when you encounter anything "Twitter bastard" | Soichiro Ishihara "Adult net manner classroom" | Diamond Online(Living, it is hard to get angry when grandly sympathizing for "Twitter bastard")

Shigotano! - Two major points of "Why I was an obsession of school lunch I am having a shop in Shimokitazawa and I am a president with designers"(Life, growth is born where you try and do what you want to do)

Choose "third beer" with "sensibility"!? Analysis of new products of each company - Life - Nikkei Trendy Net(Food, "Water" "Strongness" "Creamy Foam", etc. products added unique sensibility of each company appear one after another)

Even with this, German technology will make the magnesium parts of the car cheaper - Nikkei Automotive Technology - Tech-On!(Technology, if it becomes possible to make magnesium parts by press, it becomes possible to make lightweight parts much cheaper)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Tenkon Human April 21, 2010 (Wednesday)(It is sarcastically ironic about the fact that the PR song of the international shanghai Expo was similar to the song of Okamoto Mayo)

"Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 1st" Screened last day added Late Show [final screaming screening] decision! - Cine Libre / Cine Libre Umeda / Topics(To the wonderful final that anime, screaming, singing, screening, clapping, psyllium use etc in the screening are OK)

【2ch】 New Speed ​​Quality: 【Image】 papaya Suzuki I am too skinny, it's too big(Entertainment, the kora picture that comes up in the second half will look more decent)

Togetter - Conclusion "Game Designer Mr. Shogo Masuda's" Combat Calculator Elementary Course ""(Elementary View on Game and Game Design)

Popular! I tried comparing new roll cakes of convenience store companies - Tokyo Walker(Food, all kind of convenience store companies will receive total roll cake boom without signs to finish)

Oscar actress Monique's older brother, confessing sexual abuse: movie news - if movies eiga.com(I reveal that I was sexually abused for a year or two since I was 13, Monique was 7 years old)

How to open the heart of "ETC type" new recruits? (Excite Bit Connector) | Excite News(Note, "Work is a piece of life" So "let's finish quickly" Because it is a way of thinking that division is precise, efficiency is good)

How does the search engine work? : 12 th index dispersion | gihyo.jp ... technical commentary(Database, there are two methods for speeding up the search processing with multiple servers, index replication and index distribution), this time we will explain the distribution method)

Linux Dock Roundup - Make Tech Easier(Linux, introduction of various OSX-like Dock)

Examine iPhone / iPod / iPad PHP and JS source code example: phpspot development diary(The version number of AppleWebKit is different between script, iPhone, iPod and iPad, and iPad, iPhone, iPod enter user agent)

Final fantasy 13 costs 800 yen for only 4 months. Since his recent work was the lowest, there is no help for it * There is no help for those who make homepages(It is arranging 'super personal bitches' about the game, FF 13)

Trend news | Receive word-of-mouth information and hot topics every day! Which one do you want to kiss from men and women? Survey on actual situation of kidding of Imadoki girls | GyaO! [Gao](Love, "There are many women who answered" I often kiss from myself ") surprisingly)

The safest car is "Legacy" - The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation announced "Automobile Assessment" news - Oricon ranking of net securities · car insurance(Receive 6 star rating, which is the highest point in safety performance evaluation of automobile, driver's seat and passenger's seat)

"Hankyu Umida Main Store" x "Kansai Walker" Collaboration "Ueshiba Burger" Appears! - Kansai Walker(Hamburgers created with the theme "Food," eyes of the eyes "" Kansai-likeness "" fashionable ")

1 in 3 teen, over 100 cell phone emails a day - US survey - ITmedia News(Note, the average number of sending and receiving of cellular mail per day is 30 for boys, and 80 for girls)

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Headline news on 20th April 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log