Aim for "ultimate typing", a hint to reduce waste of finger movement

For everyone who handles computers, "typing" is an inseparable relationship. recentlyGUIAlthough it has been devised to reduce the type amount as much as possible, it is not uncommon for the type speed to say things at the end in the end as well.

So, how can you further increase the typing speed? By analyzing the movement of the fingers during typing, you can see hints to increase the efficiency of finger movement.

Details are below.
Kung Fu Typing << Weather Sealed

Brown University in the surveyCorpusAnd a small amount of HTML mixed text. I simulated the movements of the fingers when typing this text with the following six typing methods, and it turned to this figure. The thickness of the line represents the amount of movement between the keys, indicating that more jumping from the blue one to the red one.

This is a "one-finger typing" system. If you type all the keys except Shift with one index finger it will look like this. Movement is focused on the space key to make space between words. The average moving distance is considerably as large as 3.5 keys.

This evolutionary system is "double finger typing". Using the index fingers of both hands is like this. It makes me feel like I divided the movements of one finger style fingers into two in the middle.

In addition, this is done by adding a thumb to hit the space key.Famous for what Microsoft's founder Bill Gates has adoptedis. The average moving distance was 1.5 keys and the movement was much clearer.

Separate the entire keyboard into four, and use the thumb, index finger, middle finger of both hands to type and move further simpler. However, it seems that there are still many unreasonable movements such as jump from A to E of the middle finger of the left hand, as there are mixed movements of front and back and left and right.

And so-called "touch typing" method. The movements of the fingers are further organized, the movement to the left and right decreases, and the movement in the front and the back becomes prominent. However, there is a principle of "returning the finger to the home position when you hit the key", so the movement between frequently used keys such as E, T, I and the home position is tremendous.

Then, how is the key distribution to each finger as it is with the touch typing method, in "how to keep the fingered fingers out of place" method? It seems useless to move fingers beyond what I thought. With this method, the average moving distance is cut off by 0.76 keys and one, that is, the number of times to hit the key without moving the finger is increasing. However, it may be difficult for humans, as it is necessary to remember where the key is currently located.

Dvorak keyboardYaTRON keyboardIt is a place I would like to see by all means as well as the results with other key arrays such as etc and the simulation result using Japanese corpus.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log