0.3 million tickets sold in advance! "ONE PIECE film STRONG WORLD" excites Japanese movie theaters

Recently we covered all-nighters waiting for premiere of Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. We saw great queue in some major theaters in Osaka area. But, ONE PIECE FILM STRONG WORLD seemed to go far over it. Here's our coverage on what has happened on Dec. 12.
Read on for detail.
The day before opening at Warner Mycal Cinemas Ibaraki. All seats for Dec. 12 was sold in advance.

At Nanba Parks Cinema on the day or premiere. The only way to get to the theater in the morning is elevator. So all the people gathered for it. The entrance of people who came to purchase ticket in advance was limited.

Ticket office was crowded though walk-up ticket for One Piece is closed. We couldn't tell which queue is for which movie.

Goods shop was crowded too.

Kamen Rider movie was also on premiere on the same day.

Waves of people.

The queue was far longer than usual.

No sample was displayed at the store due to busyness. They had no time for that.

Seat for Kamen Rider is getting fewer.

The queue.

Noon. Security people came and began to control the queue.

At last, Macross sold out, too.

The theatre opened temporary wicket for those who came for movies other than One Piece.

This is a queue waiting to buy a ticket for Dec. 14 and later.

There were some people complaining why couldn't they get tickets for the next day.

The queue remained till evening.

On Dec. 13. All tickets for Dec. 14 was sold out(It's Monday!). And all late night show was sold out to Friday.

This is a novelty for viewers. The Volume 0 of the comics. They say there are still enough copies of the book.

Rather thinner than ordinary comic books.

Not for sale.

The book contains character introduction and an episode published on Weekly Shonen Jump Vol. 53.

The official site of theaters provide information on whether this novelty comic is still available. Some of them are already on Internet auctions, but there are still chances to get it free in a theater nearby.
Toei Theater Information "ONE PIECE film STRONG WORLD"
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