Netbook with next-generation Atom processor, to be released simultaneously from manufacturers in early 2010

By integrating the memory controller and the graphics function into the CPU, it is possible to expect reduction of power consumption, graphic performance, processing speed etc.Next generation Atom processor"It was revealed that the netbooks will be released simultaneously from manufacturers in the beginning of next year.

Details are as below.
Vendors to launch Atom N450-based netbooks on January 11, 2010

According to this article, ASUS, Acer, Lenovo, MSI etc will release new products of netbook all at once on January 11, 2010. The newly launched netbook is based on Intel's "Atom N450 processor", which means that Intel will release it in time to release the processor.

The OS adopted at the time of sale of the new netbook is "Windows 7 Starter Edition" "Moblin"Windows XP Home Edition" is said to be three. In addition, manufacturers are expected to appear in the second half of next year, including the implication of pressure to make the conditions for providing netbook OSs more flexible for Microsoft manufacturersWe are also considering launching models preinstalled Google's proprietary OS "Google Chrome OS"It has been with.

Intel will start shipping the "Atom N470 processor", which is the top model of the Atom N450 processor, in March 2010.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log