Headline news on November 4, 2009

About Disney Land, where the construction plan was emerging in Shanghai,An announcement that Chinese government approval was obtainedIt seems there was a genuine Disney land opening in Shanghai, China in 2014. In China, famous for having similar mascot of Disney charactersShijingshan Musical GardenThere are, but in Hong Kong DisneylandThe average purchase price per person is second only to Japan in the worldIt seems that it seems that it is a place to wonder how much Disney Land in Shanghai can show customers power.

So, tomorrowNovember 5. On November 5, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

How to hack Google to download MP3 - GIGAZINE

Cosplay of many game characters that caught up with you variously - GIGAZINE

Pretty original and dangerous North Korea theme park - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.

Mixi, information of 4,200 people "exposed" for 3 days: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(There was a problem with the system of the Internet, "Sunshine Ranch" popular application on Mixi, and it was in a state that information could be viewed from the outside)

Hiroki Takagi @ Diary at home - Diary schedule, Nyzilla's progress(NyZilla which can connect and monitor on the net, Winny network is almost completed)

"Twitter" and "2channel", which is useful when it is called Isa? - japan.internet.com Web Technology(Because memo, Twitter knows timeline of tweeted person, it is easy to judge whether it is a pleasurable crime or not)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Consult with "Land" Investment in the Net 1 thousand "No trading function" - Net · Virus - Digital(I wonder if they solicited soliciting solicitations that would make them invest in net, fictitious land)

Fake software infection noticeable, concern for expansion even in the country - ITmedia Enterprise(Software, virus-filled software named "security measures" pretending as Microsoft is sent by e-mail)

Windows 7 share 3%, Mac OS X share growth, XP overwhelming share | Enterprise | MY COMIC Journal(Software, Windows 7 can expand the share to the future)

MS 09 - 054, a patch fix for October, MS released a modified version - INTERNET Watch(There is a possibility that trouble may appear in display of security, web)

IPhone application for those who are afraid of the plane, provided by the UK - ITmedia Professional Mobile(Mobile lecture that overcoming success rate of mobile phobia is over 98%)

I am making PC with junk parts from now wwwwwwwww: Hamster preliminary bulletin(Hardware, if you only need to move 10,000 yen as long as there are parts enough enough)

New strain of influenza, 'Effect on prevention' in Mongolia and horsemeal soaring | The overflowing story of the world | Reuters(Health, vaccine delivery to Mongolia will be slumped in December)

Can you regain elasticity of your skin? Elucidation of the function of protein: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It was confirmed that science, a protein called "fibrin 4" is necessary for making "elastic fiber" which makes tissue grow and shrink)

Psychological Testing Successful race, you can win. - The nature of psychological test anata - Yorukoyoruta(Psychological test, psychological test to test whether it can survive in a successful career

Job determination final rate: High school graduates 37% Decrease by 13 points from the previous term - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Work, the effective job offering ratio is 0.89 times)

Featured Word Column Will you make up for sleep deprivation by "sleeping" at the weekend? - goo Keyword Center(Health, sleep cycles collapse when sleeping)

Kobe newspaper | Society | recession ... "in the car" quiet boom highway SA etc.(Society, "Road Station" with wide shared space has recently increased)

Awesomeness of car purchase shop - blog of manager of Honda Cars Nozaki(There are cases where dealer assessment is better than going to a second-hand purchase specialty store caught by a car or a commercial)

Trend guide: "Men In Black" 3rd film, Hollywood channel where movies are ready for production to be more interesting(Movie, I'm curious about what kind of demon weapon will come out next)

The 37th: Melancholy of PSP go. - "How to sell video games of Messezanow Inagoshi"(Game, if you add about 3000 yen, the price that PS3 can buy is the sale of PSP go)

The masterpiece of the end of the SFC "Wild Guns" | Estimated gamer(The impression that the game of the end of the SFC where the competition with the next generation game machine was intense was all spirit contained)

Continuous Kill Bonus List of "Modern Warfare 2" leaks. ○ ○ ○ attaining 25 consecutive kills! - Game * Spark(Game, terrorist stage and nice this time there are many controversial contents)

Yokoyama Tomo's Keitai diary: Notice (* ^ o ^ *)(Voice actor, married to a locker under the age of 11 by saying that it was able to tamper with the family register for the first time at 39 years and 10 months)

[@JOJO] Meeting with Mr. Araki can also be talked about! Is it? Araki "Mrs." Arrived at the University of Tokyo "Komaba Festival" lecture! (Held on November 21)(Manga, Hirohiko Araki himself does not come, but his wife's Asami Araki talks live)

The editorial department apologizes because of the sudden absence of 'Enbounding' by Nobuhiro Wagetsu(Manga, scheduled to resume from the next issue released on December 4)

I went to Hosei University Hosei University "animation maker cross propaganda man blog!(Anime, "Bottoms" staff seems to be in the 60s and 70s)

Died: Levi Strauss died Structuralism giant - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Society, that structure exists in everythingStructuralismContemporary thought giant who establishedClaude Levi-StraussHe died at the age of 100)

"Fuck You" of anger with hidden letters in Official Letter of Governor Schwar - MSN Sankei News(Overseas, if you read the sentence vertically it is "I Fuck You" and it is interesting whether it is accidental or intentional)

Recorded a man who has become Michael Jackson for 15 months at the bus stop Record: Vitamin DX - Videos / Images / Overseas neta blog(Movie, surprisingly well, I understand the condition of the day somehow)

When and where will the cat rally take place (Excite Bit Connector) | Excite News(It is said that the meaning of the meeting is great according to the director of an animal cat hospital)

Victor's music department, to sell to Konami Southern and SMAP belong to - MSN Sankei News(Victor who is forced to improve the economy and management early)

With11 month number Gentoo talk 's story - It can be(Social, hero's fashion is a fictional librarian who will also do archive work with a high heel)

Opening of Christmas business opening Takashimaya distributes red apples inside - FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE(Memo, distributed at Takashimaya Shinjuku store on November 5 to the first 100 people)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: I went to the Monja fried festival(A wonderful line is made for food, Ijusaki Monju tasting)

Form · crunch is genuine, "fake" Matsutake harvest Amami Ooshima - MSN Sankei News(Food, "Nisematetsutake" has no smell like Matsutake, but the shape and texture are exactly the same)

Ultimate convenience store onigiri birth Birth of "tasty" digests common sense: Nikkei Business Online(Evaluation of meals and prototypes) What is secretive off the 13th consecutive loses?

No meal, no water used Meat and potato by Ripe [Cooke pad] Easy delicious everyone's recipe is 600,000 items(Food, basically it will be delicious only when you leave it but it looks delicious even if you shake the powder dashi noodle)

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Headline news on November 2, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log