A cat who escapes greatly from inside the ori without opening the key

There are a few owners who put them in the owl for reasons such as not to let their pets arbitrarily go somewhere, but they escape from the ori like a magician even if they lock the key with a kitchen There are animals also there. This time we introduce cats taken at the moment of escaping from Ori without opening the door.

Details are as below.
The movie was photographed by the owner who wondered that the pet's cat had escaped without opening the key in about 10 minutes when putting into a pet to make a habit of using a toilet .

First, put the cat in the cage.
YouTube - The Great Escape Kitty

I will apply the key securely.

A cat that explores the escape route from the lower side of the Ori.

And, in a sudden we press the face against Oli.

If you add power as it is ... ....

My head came out of the gap.

And the remaining body escapes.

It seems that it had become rounded in the corner of the room after escaping.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log