A girl abandoned child rearing is raised by a cat or a dog

It seems that a girl who was abandoned child care and was brought up by a dog or a cat was found. Although he has a very slightly human nature, he almost took the same behavior as dogs and cats, and said he was very wary of human beings.

The correspondence of parents and relatives of this girl is terrible, and may be made to think again about things like family way.

Details are from the following.
Girl raised by cats and dogs removed from negligent family / MosNews.com

It is said that a girl who was abandoned child care and living with a dog or a cat was found in a room of a condominium in the city of Chita in Russia · Baikal district.

One day, as the neighborhood residents reported to the Children's Human Rights Committee, the staff rushed to the scene, there seemed to be a young girl with many dogs and cats there. Although the girl can talk very few words, he barked to the officials who came and threatened, "It's like a dog or a cat," he said. He also said that he did not eat with meal without eating, licking and eating. Although it was nutrition deficient at the time of discovery, the health condition seems to be relatively good.

According to a subsequent survey, the girl is named Natasha (5 years old), her mother lives with three children in another place, and her father is missing. In addition, despite knowing that Natasha was abandoned by childcare, relatives did not decide to look after themselves properly and did not give a notification to the police.

It is unknown whether parents and relatives will get Natasha or whether they can be raised at the facility in the future, but I just pray that Natasha can live happily.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log