What is "sulfuryl fluoride" newly certified as a greenhouse gas?

Research by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, etc. "Sulfuryl fluorideA warning is ringing as gas contributes to global warming. I am unfamiliar with the gas, but what on earth are they?

Details are as below.New Greenhouse Gas Identified - GoodCleanTech

Sulfuryl fluoride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Sulfuryl fluoride" (sulfuryl fluoride, chemical formula SO 2 F 2) used for fumigation and pest control is an inert gas that does not hydrolyze to a high temperature of 150 degrees Celsius,Sulfuryl chlorideThanSulfur hexafluorideIt has characteristics close to that.

This sulfuryl fluoride was officially recognized as a greenhouse gas. In the general view of scientists it is said that the current amount of sulfuryl fluoride emission has not reached a dangerous level yet, but in the future it seems that there is a possibility that it becomes a big contributor to global warming .

In a joint study scheduled to be published in the Journal of Geophysical Research magazine by research teams at research institutes such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of California at San Diego, such as the Scripps Oceanographic Research Institute, the amount of sulfuryl fluoride in the atmosphere is measured, We are working on predicting climate impact.

Destroy the ozone layerBromomethaneSulfuryl fluoride, which appeared on the market as an alternative to NASA, was observed in the atmosphere for the first time in the "Global Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE)" survey on the global atmospheric gas by NASA's investment.

"I was able to notice before it was too late," Professor Prinn of MIT's Earth, Air and Planetary Science department. "The purpose of this survey is to pick out the greenhouse effect and the ozone depletion buds before the gas industry becomes too big."

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log