Headline news on March 6, 2009

Pet food majorAISIA CorporationFrom 1st April 2009We will release a cat food "Chef" born with the concept "delicious deliciously spoiled". Terrine type · rough loosening type are released in total of 6 kinds of "Tuna with bonito", "Tuna and Salmon", "Tuna and white fish" three tastes.

So, next MondayMarch 9. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on March 9th one year ago.

"Superbrawl Smash Bros. X" Trophy for the winner of the fighting team is highly disreputed - GIGAZINE

Published an image of "Sombrero Galaxy" where NASA became clearer - GIGAZINE

Russian beaches with graffiti and garbage, very garbage - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
CeBIT 2009: "New generation" seen by device manager Aspire one - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, also equipped with Intel's N280 processor)

Kingston, says "for netbook" DDR2 SO - DIMM memory - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, is the price for netbooks?)

Mr. Taro Matsumura's Nomad Business: Blossoms with Eva App iPhone Business (1/2) - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile, background of Eva app development for fans to grin)

Micro solution, earphone adopted metal housing - AV Watch(Adopt the same high hardness material as hardware, wind instrument)

Exe mode, 19-inch digital broadcasting LCD TV at 29,800 yen - AV Watch(Hardware, terrestrial digital broadcast compatible television that cuts down 30,000 yen)

Sun radio, USB connected type radio tuner sticking to reception performance(Improved reception sensitivity of hardware and AM radio)

IPhone application "KANJI GENERATOR" to select kanji by feeling(Mobile, application for iPhone to transmit Japanese culture)

Ozawa representative's vs prosecution "Battle declaration" is Kakuei preparation? Critique column | nikkei BPnet (Politics, speculation from Mr. Ozawa witnessing in the audience seats without fail for a day)

Pachinko strategy law "No effect", Full order to return to information company: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Information, the Osaka District Court certified "There is no effect on the strategy law, advertisements are contrary to facts, illegal solicitation")

@nifty: Daily portal Z: 100 yen a day, at the station Kirakiri(Food, 500 yen will be paid at the cash register and exchanged with 5 exclusive medals and you can experience 5 cups of chicken wine)

【2ch】 New speed quality: Scud missile appeared on Dragon Quest 9! But the attack power is so(Game, Monster called "Gama Cannon" releases from big mouth)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): boron drug + neutron, cancer aiming to practical use such as Kyoto University - Science(Medical, a method called "boron neutron capture therapy")

Unification of rights distribution processing work of music distribution, JASRAC etc. establish a third party organization(Copyrights, user groups and right-holder groups jointly create such third-party institutions is the "world's first attempt")

Amazon, Establishing a new distribution center in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture - Creating about 100 jobs | Management | MY COMIC Journal(On the same day, delivery on the same day to Osaka in August)

Tokyo Newspaper: Nissan to accept side jobs on holidays Automobile major first since this month: Economy (TOKYO Web)(Restrict the working hours so as not to hurt society, health condition and work)

Tokyo Newspaper: Elegant Queen enters Yokohama Queen Mary 2: Society (TOKYO Web)(Image, total length 345 meters is about 80 meters above battleship Yamato)

Arrested eight members of the Rampant Runaway "Ruin Right" - Social news: nikkansports.com(Society, it is likely to be read as a dragon)

Bird flu: Inappropriate display at 225 shops Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery removal guidance - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Society, even if you eat eggs it will not infect)

Gendai net: Scary trap of 'KIMEOMO' site(Etymology, it seems to be a companion who pays illegal drugs together)

Current affairs dot com: M · Jackson is a comeback concert in London = English press coverage(Scheduled to be the first full-scale concert since 2005 when he was judged innocent at entertainment, child abuse case)

Graduate School of Beatles Masters Degree (Society) - Sponichi Annex News(International, "Beatles, Popular Music and Master of Sociology" degree)

A way to reach the point of selflessness in about 20 seconds(You can suppress emotional anxiety if mental, stopping thinking with acid burning in the brain)

· Democratic Party officials succumbed to the death of stakeholders ~ Ozawa Democratic Party scary things happening in this country ~ | Truth in Asia(Politics, accidental or huge conspiracy?)

"Business conversation by roles" to make it at a glance: "Masu as merely dismissed" "Long-term labor is a consideration" - 10 misunderstandings the boss falls - ITmedia Biz.ID(Society, we should consider the evaluation criteria of subordinates so as not to let out excellent talent)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Discovered 200 suspicious articles Discovery Plagiarism Detection Program Development - Science(The international gap, the gap of comment from who stole plagiarism is funny)

Coloring ○ ○ ○ in a girl's body "Kimo E! Crazy!(Game, using the stylus to do "discipline" of girls in the Makai world very badly AVG)

Toshio Tamogami official website(Politics, official website of former Air Self Defense Force staff director who submitted a big topic)

Business Media Makoto: Thinking about the tomorrow of publishing & newspaper business: Reason why the article of weekly magazine becomes "lamb dog meat" (1/3)(There is a big problem in "division of labor system" where publishing, people picking up the story and articles making people are separate)

Economic crisis of the former communist zone: signs of infection JBpress (Japan Business Press)(Economy, Japan's reconstruction is exactly miraculous well understood)

@nifty: Daily Portal Z: Image that the brain is going to be suddenly(Image, image of the thing which is often seen in mountain hem)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Is this a man's grooming? Mori Kanpe turns into a necktie - Society(It can be wrapped around the neck like a real necktie with fashion, rubber straps)

Business Media Makoto: I asked sommeliers in Japan the best! Tips to distinguish high wines (1/2)(Food, if the origin and the ingredients are the same for both, it seems that the wine of a dark color is high)

Nude body? face? You can judge personality in the AV where you look! Is it? : Society: ZAKZAK(To stare at the face more than the naked body of an AV actress as a person of social, masculine personality)

(8 th) Interview is the interview - The interview - Effective in the final phase "expected number of times" (1) | Job Hunting Success series | Investment · economic · business oriental economy online(It is important to presume the number of interview of the company in advance using job search, employment quarterly report)

Beatles sound games, simultaneous release on September 9th worldwide - ITmedia News(game,The base is reversed right and leftWill not it become a real mode to become become)

The man who made the page maker - @ IT own strategic research institute(Software, footprints of men who made masterpiece DTP software "pagemaker")

Everyday YOUGI: The first bullet is "One Magical Index of Efforts" - "1/24 Pain Decal" anyone Become a Owner Owner! - ITmedia + D Games(A memo, a decal where every plam becomes a painful car)

Spring sales start, DoCoMo and Softbank increase net worth 100,000 - February subscriptions - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile, SoftBank's 22nd consecutive net increase top)

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Headline news on March 5, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log