Pooh who is dying in Gulliver's condition, and Mickey also ...

Winnie the PoohSpeaking of it, it is a character loved by all over the world with a loose character and it is a miserable person, but that Pooh is dying in the state of Gulliver. If you look closely, something has come out from your head.

Even if it says "It is dying in the state of gulliver", it may not come with a pin at all, but you can see how much dangerous situation it is if you look at the picture. Also, other characters are in danger.

Pictures are as follows.
I think that Mr. Poo who opened his pack in the head was pulled up by small Mario ...

If you look closely, you are about to open a wound. Small Mario has skipped encouragement. Trunks and Charlie Brown are just looking.

The Simpsons' Bert-like character is also helping.

Lupine also helped. Run Pooh!

As I expanded my viewpoint, there are characters that I remember somewhat in the back ...

Wow! Mickey is so!

In another place there was a squeaking of Kuririn.

You can see other pictures from below.
Eva and Franco Mattes aka 0100101110101101.ORG

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log