Taking a wheelchair while drunk, arrested about 4.8 km / h

A man with a disability in the body was caught by the police after getting about 4.8 km / h on an electric wheelchair with alcohol intake, and forbidden to go out on the road with a wheelchair.

"I acknowledge that I was drunk, but it was not dangerous, and if it hits something it would have been the worst situation," he says.

Details are as below.Disabled man banned after drunk driving at 3 mph in wheelchair - The Daily Record

Michael Schneider, a 20-year-old living in Germany, said that "all roads seem to be waving" state that he was on the electric wheelchair early in the morning. "I did not know that I should not ride a wheelchair in a drunk state," Schneider says in the court.

Mr. Schneider appealed that he could not work at the shoe factory, but the judge ordered a ban on having to go down the road with a fine of 80 pounds (about 15,600 yen) and a wheel chair for one month. "To be ignorant is unprotected, I think that it may be tough for him, but I think it is a necessary ruling," the judge says.

With Japan's Road Traffic Act,Wheelchairs are treated as pedestriansIt may not be caught even if you ride after drinking, but it seems wiser to avoid avoiding dangerous things.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log