A very innovative CAPTCHA module for PHP "younger sister authentication" to answer my sister's question

It is a very bogus BOT countermeasure module, not the story, it is "Sister authentication"is.

It is provided free of charge with MIT license, fully supports Japanese in question sentence and answer sentence, and the question sentence realizes image output with PHP + GD + TTF font. The name of the sister bundled as standard is "Rei"It is also possible to customize question texts and characters by yourself.

Actual operation Demonstrations, downloads, installation methods etc. are from the following.
Sister certification - sister protects program from BOT

You can experience an action demo from the link below.

Operation Demo

As the question text is displayed, enter the answer and click "send" ......


You can download from the link below.


The installation method is detailed in the following link.

Installation method

According to the author's blog "Tsundele mode which will not let me log in easily will also be implementedIt seems that, if you use this sister certificate, unlike normal taste authentication it should make you feel somewhat ... ....

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse