Headline news on July 28, 2008

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 17:58 Jul 28, 2008, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Hitachi is newDevelop technology to dramatically increase HDD recording densityDid. By recording information of 610 gigabits per square inch, it will be possible to raise the recording capacity of the current HDD to 2.5 times. todayToshiba and Fujitsu will release HDDs that realized twice the storage capacity of conventional HDDs from 2009Although we reported, it seems that manufacturers are sharpening the pace to further increase HDD capacity.

So, tomorrowJuly 29. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on July 29th one year ago.

Let's realize how much meal volume 120 kilocalories is in the photo - GIGAZINE

Wire art made to a very fine part - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Goodwill Monthly closing business, 3000 temporary staffs are not determined the next workplace: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Impact of business, day hire dispatch major "Goodwill" business outage)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Prospects for non-grant of international student assistance, Ritsumeikan Transfer issue - Kansai(Cut subsidies by transferring school and new students to other faculties)

Current affairs dot com: Doubling the pages of textbooks = To clear the education education - Reclaiming draft is a draft(Is it a school, an extreme measure, or was the current textbook too thin?)

AED - MSN Sankei news to the whole organization of Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen(Railway, installation in the car is JR first thing)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Temporary driving preliminary measures such as Shinkansen · Hanwa Line with a thunderstorm - Society(Great disturbance in traffic due to railroad, thunderstorms)

What to do "Missed": Statement by Summer Time "Sleep Disorder" Society Statement - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Health, daylight balance breaks down due to introduction of daylight saving time and economic loss occurs)

IPhone 3G Silicon case for purchase at 500 yen "iPhone 3G Case Grain": News - CNET Japan(Hardware, inexpensive silicone case for iPhone 3G)

Jailbroil "Spam King" Suicide - Discovered by the Dead with Family: News - CNET Japan(Note, committing suicide with my wife and daughter coming along)

"XP users use Vista without knowing" experiment, MS to release the video: News - CNET Japan(Software, unexpectedly highly evaluated to be used as "new version of Windows")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Mitsubishi Electric releases 10% air conditioner price increase material, other companies also consider - business(Although home appliances do not change much, but they are expensive, 10% is large)

Yusuke Furuta Akiba Pick Up! : "I thought that the fire was on fire at Davis 10, the fuse line got super long!" And Akiba clerk (1/4) - ITmedia + D PC USER(Note, the way to dissemination of digital terrestrial digital personal computers is far away)

CNN.co.jp: Director of Cancer Research Institute at U.S. University, warns mobile phone staff(Mobile, let's get the safe route for now let's release the cell phone)

What happens when mobile phones become instruments? - au Concept Model: Mobile Channel - CNET Japan(Mobile, mobile phone to wind instruments and harmonica when attaching attachments)

Au coupon can not be displayed on "W64SA" - Supported by software update - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile, support by software update)

Limited 3000 "Southern mobile phones", general acceptance acceptance accepted for lottery sales - ITmedia + D Mobile(Southern model of mobile, Fluchen mobile phone)

Next-generation PHS research group was launched, Mr. Kikuhikawa Wilcom et al. Appeared(The idea of ​​installing fixed-point cameras in the town according to the installation of the base station of the next-generation PHS also)

Online DVD "Poseren" is compatible with iPhone 3G β service(Mobile, application for rental is impossible)

Puma and Montevina also appeared: MSI brand mobile / gaming notebook PC launched - low-priced mini notebook second volume also mentioned (1/2) - ITmedia + D PC USER(Wide range of hardware, gaming machines to mobile machines)

Microsoft Funds Open Source Apache: News - CNET Japan(Software, what is the real intention of Microsoft to invest in rivals?)

Excite, sample sample distribution site "sample excite" opened(Internet service, site that provides free sample)

Business Media Makoto: Are you compatible with "work" and "home"?(Many people think that they want to prioritize memos and homes)

What is the value of the cartoon original picture? "Golden Gash !!" Author's opinion statement in litigation (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(Manga, appearance before the trial isblogso)

I bought a Sunday vs. Magazine trading card game(There are three types of decks: toys, 'Name detective showdown', 'Sports showdown', 'Love comedy')

Kewpie collaborates with "Inuyasha" "Mezonichi" etc, "CUE JUN" new version appeared - japan.internet.com E-commerce(Note, scared because everyone is the same face)

Bare speed Is there a cute woman in this world more than this image?(Image, images of girls who think that everyone is cute)

Game * Spark -: New work of "MARVEL VS. CAPCOM" is under development? By Kako(Game, Sharing System with "Tatsunoko VS.CAPCOM?")

Game * Spark -: "Soul Calibur IV" Darth Vader vs Yoda's matchup realized! Is it? Etc. by Kako(Game, Character Download Content)

4 million yen game seat "Emperor": perfect for planning world conquest | WIRED VISION(Gaming, is there some people sitting and playing games like this in the world?)

CNN.co.jp: Do not prosecute a 56-year-old man who shot a "lawn mower", anger and(Overseas, even in the United States it shoots innocently is out)

Osaka · Ikeda-shi "Night Spas" Examination Hashigashi Governor's Innovation Program received - MSN Sankei News(Memo, a program that can receive classes at the cram school relatively inexpensive)

Daitombori (1 / 2page) - Following "Kuatariro", a long-established Japanese restaurant changes its closure - MSN Sankei News(Food, Japanese soldier closed)

Rice ball popularity is immortal? Rice ball "likes" 97.7%, the most popular is "salmon": MarkeZine (Marketzin)(Food, foods that most people like)

Key to 3 m wall · vinyl house ... "Olympic Vegetables" is a precautionary cultivation: operated · topic: News: Beijing Olympics 2008: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Strict warning posture on food and food)

Circle K Sunkus Doala's bread and shaved ice released - Ameba News [Ameba news](Food, released for a limited time from tomorrow)

How to eat instant fried chow mein deliciously - Ameba News [Ameba news](How to make delicious food, food staff employees talk about)

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Headline news on Friday, July 25, 2008

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log