Numerous trees transformed like RPG monsters

There are occasions when we find plants of unusual shape, such as a little sexy trees, but we introduce some of them that have particular impact. There are things that seem likely to come out of the game from something that seems to be attached to something.

Pictures are as follows. It looks like there are eyes on the tree. I will be cursed when I see it.

It is likely to appear at Rasubosu of Dorakue.

People who came to the forest are fighting.

I am completely defeated by gravity.

The face of a mummy man from a tree .... Taking pictures in front of this tree seems to be like a spirit photograph.

It seems to come out to the zako enemies of the RPG game.

It is made into an unknown organism.

Other photos are below.
30 Creepiest Trees on Earth [pics]: Environmental News Blog | Environmental Graffiti

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log