Six strange deaths in reality

Death comes evenly to any living thing, but as the representation of "I want to die on tatami", as many people sleep, I desire a peaceful death. However, many deaths come suddenly, there are many strange deaths that are unthinkable in the world, and there seems to be some deaths in brassieres and sweets with wire.

Details are as below.Toothpicks, Bras, and Seven Other Bizarre Ways to Die

1. Brassiere with wire

It seems that thunder has fallen on a wire-filled bra that two women who ran away under a tree were wearing because of a thunderstorm. The coroner Paul Kunakman says, "In a tragic case, I think it is a genuine deed of God."

2. Sweets

In 1995, it was discovered that a stripper named Gina La Lollapura was suffocating in a huge cake. She is said to have been waiting for an hour in the cake until her turn.

3. Fashionable scarf

A dancer who was wrapping a long scarf around his neck died. After getting into an open car, a scarf was caught in the wheel of the car, it seems that his neck was pulled and beaten on the pavement.

4. Excretion of mice

While playing golf, David Bailey was urinated by a rat on his feet. As a result of giving priority to continuing golf rather than washing feet,LeptospirosisIt is said that he died of renal failure after 2 weeks.

5. Drain pipe

A 136 kg male who dropped the mobile phone to the drain pipe of rainwater dropped his head and shoulder to try to get a phone call and drowned. Besides, when it is tried to take a purse from a drain pipe in Ontario, some people slipped and the body got stuck and drowned.

6. Deodorant spray

Jonathan Capewell, 16, was breathing a lot of deodorant spray because he was concerned about her body odor, but he suddenly died of heart paralysis. Propane and butane are detected ten times as much as normal from his blood, and it is thought that the accumulation of spray gas in the body is the cause of death.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log