Weapons that are becoming luxury brand design

Weapons with Louis Vuitton and Gucci brand logos installed. Of course, it is not a real brand item, but an artistPeter GronquistIt is what Mr. created. However, if you are such a weapon, the energy to fight is likely to fall down.

Details are as below.DVICE Screw perfume, buy her a Chanel rocket launcher

A peacock design gun with a Gucci logo.

Louis Vuitton and cherry blossom guns.

Electric chair with logo so unhappy.

A Hermes gun.

Pacman type grenade.

Prada's gun where the sea looks good.

Chain saw of gold pika.

These weapons are in Los AngelesGallery 1988It is on display until May 16th (local time). Mr. Gronquist's website has been able to see images of various brand weapons.

Peter Gronquist.com - SCULPTURE / WEAPONS

Chanel camouflage gun.

Very soft chainsaw.

It is quite luxurious when it is in a box.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log