Image that unravels the secret of astonishment that the earth rotates on its own "Underneath It All"

Dive rapidly from our feet, and finally what happens in the center of this earth? What on earth is this earth rotating on its own axis? We clarified those mysteries, and the image which explained it appeared. It is pretty portrait and it is 720 x 7200 pixels.

The image which unravels the secret of startling that the earth rotates on the following is from the following.
What is in the center ......?

To flip it upside down, click "Flip Image" on the bottom right. You can enjoy it from the other side.

The work which made this work is Eric Poulton, the profession is a game artist, the following is the official site, and there are many other works. .

The Art of Eric Poulton

in Note, Posted by darkhorse