The head of the cut woman may be displayed in the museum

It seems that the head of a woman whose head was hit in India might be displayed in the museum.

It seems like a ridiculous story, but in fact it has the aim to prevent persecution against an innocent woman.

Details are as below.
Indian police, the head of the cut woman at the museum | Global speech | Reuters

According to this article, the police authorities in the state of Jalkhand in the eastern part of India are about to exhibit the head of a female head in the museum.

The man who hit his neck thought that his daughter was dead by the use of witchcraft by the victim's woman, but as a background of the woman being suspected of such a suspicion, India In the rural areas of the country, when natural disasters and diseases occur, it is often said that women are suspected of using magic.

It is said that exhibiting the hit neck is aimed at preventing persecution against such an innocent woman, and police executives are also hoping that there is a possibility of preventing violent crime.

As if in the Middle AgesWitch HuntIt is a case that reminds me ....

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log