Space debris increased and the appearance of the chaotic Earth

Since the world's first satellite Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957, a number of launches have been carried out so far, and many satellites are around the earth. Some of the satellites are no longer used and become garbage in the universe, and CG shows the state that it is drifting around the Earth with numerous other space debris such as shuttle fragments.

There are a lot of objects in CG, so it seems that it will certainly come when the space debris collector shuttle, which is popular in fiction, will be open this time.

Details are as below. Trackable satellites and debris around the earth.

Space debris in low earth orbit.

Object of low earth orbit seen from Arctic.

Debris in a stationary orbit of about 36000 km above.

If debris collides with shuttle's fuel tank etc. and there is an explosion, it is said that there is a possibility that more than 180 explosions may occur in a chain.

Simulation diagram of the case of taking debris removal measures (top) and not taking (bottom).

Simulation of 2112.

More detailed images can be seen from this link.
ESA - ESOC - Space debris evolution in pictures

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log