A movie photographing how the world's largest flower "Sumatra Okonakaku" is blooming

Sumatran ookoniaku native to the tropical rainforest of Sumatra Island, Indonesia is famous as the world's largest flower. Especially big one seems to be 1.5 m in diameter and 3.5 m in height, but the flower opening period is as short as only 3 days, and it seems to bloom only once in several years.

The movie was taken at Gustavus Adolphus College and is flowering from 12th to 14th May 2007.
Titanarum-May 10-May18-cam2.mp4

It is not open yet.

Start slowly.

The lower flower part opened wide.

Start shrinking as a day.

I shriveled on the third day.

Besides this, movies are taken from various angles. Since it is May 12th to 14th since it will flower, you can see how it looks with a movie entitled "May12".

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By the way, the part visible to the flower of Sumatra ookoniyaku isInflorescenceAnd because there are multiple flowers lined up, as the size of a single flowerRaflesia ArnoldiWill be the largest in the world.

in Video, Posted by logc_nt