Flickr was uploading the image without permission by others

FlickrIs a service that allows you to upload photos taken by yourself and publish them all over the world and various pictures uploaded from something like a photograph when traveling with family to things like professional photographers shot It is. Under such circumstances, it turned out that the photo uploaded by a user was sold entirely on another photo selling site. It seems that the watermark was put in the image, but it was erased.

This is what Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir (flickrID: rebekka) noticed. The pictures of the three horses below are uploaded by Rebekka on July 14, 2006.

The fun just never stops .. on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

However, Rebekka said "IStockphoto"I found out that exactly the same pictures were on sale.

Say WHAT ?? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The upload date is "October 25, 2006", the watermark that Rebekka should have put in has disappeared. Because Rebekka did not remember uploading photos to iStockphoto, I consulted with copyright lawyers. As a result, the image was erased from iStockphoto.

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Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music student's Rebekka is looking to photographer in Iceland. Even in this addition is a person of the site you can see a variety of photos.

Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by logc_nt