A test movie of the electromagnetic rail gun carried out by the US Navy

A movie performed by the US Naval Research Institute at the US Naval Maritime Tactical Center in Darling Glen, Virginia, for a test of a railgun that ejects bullets between rails by electromagnetic induction without using explosives. In this experiment I succeeded in outputting energy of more than 10.64 megajoules, and it seems that the bounce speed is 2,520 m per second.

Details are as below.OhGizmo! »Archive» Navy Test Fires 10 Megajoule Railgun (Holy Cow)

Test injection of rail gun. The moment is getting dirty.
YouTube - Navy's Record - Breaking Railgun Shot

This place is also filmed where you can put in bullets.
YouTube - US Navy Electromagnetic Railgun Test

Below is a detailed photo of the test.

This railgun is a prototype for making a 32 mega jour railgun shooting a bullet with Mach 7. He also said he was also a stepping stone to create a 64 mega jour rail gun.

Details about the rail gun can be seen from the following.

Electromagnetic Railgun An Innovative Naval Program

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log