Headline news on 18th January 2008

I went to My Voice ComAnnouncement announcement on the image of chocolateAccording to it, 87.4% of people like "likes" and "likes to say", they say that they like chocolate. Furthermore, the probability of not being able to deliver chocolate seems to be low because 8.9% is "I can not say either one" and 3.7% "dislike" and "dislike" is 3.7%. My favorite type of chocolate is "Milk chocolate · cream chocolate" first place and "raw chocolate" 2nd place. After all the normal type seems to be popular.

So, next MondayJanuary 21. In 1187 the Kamakura Shogunate established Zhenxi Magistrate, the world's first nuclear submarine Nautilus was launched in 1954. In 2007, the director of the former talent won the prize for Miyazaki Governor. In addition to being born in 1947, Talent's Junji Takada was also known for his role as a dragon of a worker's braiding house, and Miki Kyomoto was the first son of Hayao Miyazaki in 1959 and also directed the "Gedo Senki", Goro Miyazaki Was born in 1967.

Today's headline news.
Discontinuation of recycled paper such as Fuji Xerox - Social news nikkansports.com(Receiving the problem of camouflaging business, copy paper)

Private Recording Recording Subcommittee: "Agreement on reduction of compensation if DRM becomes popular" - ITmedia News(Conclusion that almost ignores copyright and public comment)

Asahi.com "iPod billing review" coverage, the Agency for Cultural Affairs "contravene the fact" protest - ITmedia News(According to the press, the audience ITmedia reporter said there was no discussion or agreement on billing)

Anti-whaling group proclaims resumption of disturbing activities, activists claim that it was "thrown away in the sea" International news: AFPBB News(Animals, is it good to interfere with research activities)

DeNA, Moba gate effect turns sales to 29 billion yen - FY 2008 forecasts upwards: mobile channel - CNET Japan(Mobile, it is still anticipated and it is not an actual figure but how far will it grow?)

Survey on mobile website - important is "operability" "speed" "easy to read": Research - CNET Japan(The idea that mobile and mobile sites collect information) is the most common.

Is the source of creation of mystery writers net? - ITmedia News(Creation, it seems that reading a policeman's blog quite helpful)

I crossed the ocean "199 dollar PCMacBook Air is out of hand - but the contents of the mini note" Eee PC "of the 40,000 yen level is!? (1/2) - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, looking inside looking apart to pieces)

【Column】 OS X Hacking! (259) "Whether 2,480 yen is reasonable or not" Try the free updater of iPod touch (1) | Personal computer | My Computer Journal(Software, actions are fun but quite subtle if they are price equivalent)

The material cost of Slashdot Japan Gundam is about 80 billion yen(Note, however, a human being can not ride)

Alpha blogger anticipates the 2008 Internet industry(Blog, lists the services of each blogger's attention and reason)

Aerial photograph of "Google map" clearly, in 23 wards of Tokyo, Osaka city etc.(Internet service, "Google Earth" also has improved resolution)

Society converting to the Internet with "internet" Internet - latest news: IT-PLUS(Internet, the mass media has been going to do each individual in the web society so far, the effect of the atrophy occurs, freedom has been lost)

【2ch】 Breaking news awards 【mixi】 Confession that Waseda University student is a kiseru clench! It is!(Will there be something that would make you want to confess sin to the net, mixi)

Japan.internet.com Daily Research - About 30% of the specifications of home PC is "I do not know"(It seems you do not know PC, home HDD HDD, memory, CPU etc)

Critical notice concerning check * pad | IDEA * IDEA(It is unknown whether net service, hard disk can be restored seems to have broken down)

Adversity unrequited Kaiji: "Sawa ... ... ___ ___ ___ 0" produced by COSPA as a T - shirt (MANTAN web) - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Manga, slightly bad design)

"Yatterman" OP song riot "Opinion truly captures" Yomiuri Television - ITmedia News(That criticism and opinion are rushing against animation, OP songs)

Sega, PS3 dedicated simulation game "Valkyria of the Battlefield" release date determined on April 24(Game, limited edition comes with heroine figure etc)

GameSpark - Wii version "Star Wars The Force Unleashed" operation method released partly(Operate lightsaber with game, Wii remote control)

GameSpark - Capability improving drug for professional gamers has appeared! Is it?(Memo, recognition ability and reaction speed improve)

In the real brawl of net game disputes: 1 person died, WIRED VISION in Russia(Game, fight between groups)

Sega develops indoor theme park in the Middle East: 1st shop is Dubai's "world's largest mall" WIRED VISION(Does not it make games in Japan?)

SWFBLOG: Full CG reproduction "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" in "Make it! Sailor Fuku" [Incomplete](Movies, height of ridiculous quality)

From starvation, freezing and death, an era of picking a prison came! : 【2ch】 New speed station(Memo, it seems that people who will not come out if the net is going to increase sharply)

Afforer Blog Haruharu learns with husband Hyper inflation(Economy, excellence excelled)

Akiba Research Institute - Moe version of infinite bubble wrap "Petit Moe" will appear in March! Also ordered PC parts shop - [Akihabara general information site](Memo, design is exactly the same as infinite bubble wrap)

16GB Class 6 SDHC card from Evergreen, 9999 yen - Engadget Japanese(Gadget, with 5 year warranty and perfect compatibility guarantee)

ぁ ゃ ι ぃ (* ゜ ー °) NEWS 2nd armed convenience store(Story, naming is good)

Influenza, how long will it be "Soviet" type? Excite News(Health, reason not to become Russian type)

Genius twin boy, full score with college entrance examination! Excite News(Overseas, age is an ordinary high school student and 18 years old)

CNN.co.jp: Returned boomerang 25 years ago a man who stole returned(Overseas, as expected to be the prescription)

Inspired by laughter "private ten major ten major media chosen 2007" (Yutaka Kitamura's "China Kitamura Report"): NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(Overseas, it seems that it is published on the internet and is empathizing)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: From the train window of Plarail(Photographs taken with a small camera attached to the story, freight car)

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Headline news on Thursday, January 17th, 2008

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log