"Star Wars" R2 - D2 and cookie jar imitating Boba Fett

It is a pottery made cookie jar in the form of a character such as Droid R2 - D2 appearing in "Star Wars". A cookie jar is a preservation container that prevents moisture and insects, like a glass container containing sweets that are lining up at the storefront of a candy store. It is not just a container, but it seems to be enjoyable as an interior because of the appearance of the character.

Details are as follows.
A normal glass jar is like this.

R2 - D2jar. It has a proper feet.
StarWarsShop.com - R2 - D2 Ceramic Cookie Jar

Boba FettJar. Although it is unused, why is it rumbling.
StarWarsShop.com - Boba Fett Ceramic Cookie Jar

Clone · TrooperJar.
StarWarsShop.com - Special Ops Clone Trooper Ceramic Cookie Jar

The price is Boba Fett and Clone Trooper for $ 49.99 (about 6000 yen), R2 - D2 is a little cheap and $ 45 (about 5300 yen).

Speaking of "Jar" ​​at Star WarsJar Jar BinksI think of it, is it because Jar Jar Binks' jar does not come out so unpopular?

in Note, Posted by logc_nt