Automatic Mario movie to clear the stage automatically without operation

It is a movie that clears the stage fully automatically by arranging items such as sliding floor, jumping table, tortoise shell and so on well without manipulating Mario by himself. When I see it, I am impressed with the fun and labor that made the stage at the same time.

The playback of the movie is from the following.
It seems that this is a fully automated Mario that first tackled the topic with Nico Nico Douga. Avoid saw tooth rolls.
YouTube - Automatic Mario

A sequel on. Somehow you can see a message such as "Masashi Sada", but thisPeople of Nico Nico DougaMaybe you can be satisfied.
YouTube - Automatic Mario - Iggy -

Avoidance is continuing.
YouTube - Automatic Mario - Horror house -

Fully Automatic Mario has added Yoshi's "Mario in the series" series has been upgraded from 1 to 8. Not only is the tricky fun, but it's good to wear pear with properly using Yoshi after clearing. By the way, "that is" is what was attached because Yoshi's barks are heard so.

Mario 1 YouTube -

Mario 2 YouTube -

Mario 3 YouTube -

Mario 4 YouTube -

YouTube - The Mario 5

Mario 6 YouTube -

Mario 7 YouTube -

Mario 8 YouTube -

Mario and Luigi switched with each other by making use of a strange object.
YouTube - Fully automatic mario kljdsl

in Video,   Game, Posted by logc_nt