I tried making "Nissin Kitapato GooTa chicken Chinese noodles" with ice water

Nissin released a new release from July 30Nissin Kitapato GooTa chicken Chinese noodlesI bought it. The feature of this product is not just being eaten as a hot soup noodle usually, but also being able to eat cold soup. This time I bought two and decided to compare something of hot soup with one of cold soup.

Details are as follows.
How to make a warm soup. it is normal.

Here is how to make a cold soup. Retort cooked goods do not have to warm up.

The contents are retort cooked goods, liquid soup, sprinkled.

Pour hot water and wait for 5 minutes.

If you can, make a hot water cut out, keep the lid and throw away hot water.

After running down yu. Do not peel off the lid as it is and drain it twice with cold water.

Add liquid soup to water - cut noodles.

Put cold water or ice water there. I tried putting ice water as it was awesome this time.

It gently stirs. Ice is floating a little in the upper part.

Completion with retort cooked items and sprinkle.

Pour hot water and wait for 4 minutes. Warm the retort cooked product on the lid or warm it with hot water beforehand.

Pour liquid soup and stir.

Put the retort cooked product and sprinkle it and it is complete.

The front is hot, the back is cold.

First of all it is a hot person, but GooTa, as chicken is deck and it is splendid. Even this alone has ample volume so it's amazing. Noodles and soup are like ramen often, there is no particular emphasis.

And the cold one of the problem. I was wondering what exactly it was, the soup and noodles were pretty bad, it was a feeling I had never ate with instant noodles. It is quite solidly done in chilled ramen. However, because you put the retort cooked items without warming, like a canned chicken, it is Pasapasa and mozza in the mouth. Perhaps it would be the most delicious combination to warm retort cooked products to make cold noodles.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt