Have you thought that mobile phones that are not vibrating are vibrating?

When putting the cell phone with turning on the ring tone and turning on the vibrator into the pocket, I felt as if the cell phone was vibrating by receiving incoming calls and e-mails, so I checked by hand in my pocket Although I tried it, did not it actually experience vibration?

Although some mobile phone users seem to have such experiences, apparently the mechanism has been elucidated.

Details are as follows.
Good vibrations? Bad? None at all? - USATODAY.com

According to this article, it seems to call "phantom vibration syndrome" that mobile phones fall into a feeling as if they are vibrating though they are not actually vibrating. This means that a 28-year-old web developer named Steven Garrity in Canada began researching as it actually experienced such experience. In addition, when Garrity wrote this experience on his blog, it seems that he got a report that more than 30 people got similar experiences.

And according to Jeffrey Janata, who is responsible for the Behavior Medicine Program at the University Hospital in Cleveland, it seems likely that this experience will hit when mobile phone users are cautious about vibration. That is because the brain learns the sensation by regularly experiencing the sense of vibration of mobile phone users.

Also, according to Alejandro Lleras, a professor of perception and perception at the University of Illinois, learning to detect vibrations seems to be part of the perceptual learning process. That is, as the brain learns that it reacts to the vibration of the cell phone as a habit, as a result of becoming over sensitive to the feeling of vibrating, as a result of the fact that the mobile phone is vibrating It will happen that you feel like.

Perhaps it is the fate of contemporary people who can not live without mobile phones.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log