Toyota is ranked number one in "Brand Japan 2007", Google is ranked second in number

This is the seventh year of this year's biggest brand evaluation research project in Japan "Brand Japan 2007The result of today was announced today. As a result, Toyota Motor ranked first in the Consumer Market (B - C), Google in the second place, and Panasonic in the third place. Google was ranked 15th in 2006, so it gets a big breakthrough, it's truly amazing.

So let's take a look at the top 40 of the consumer market (consumer ratings) and business market (business person evaluation), respectively. How many of you do you know?
Released the results of NBPC News Release "Brand Japan 2007" today

First of all, BtoC editing top 40. We have surveyed 1,000 brands, including corporate brands and products / service brands, and we calculate comprehensive strength from four indicators, "Friendly", "Convenient", "Outstanding" and "Innovative".

■ Consumer market (BtoC) edition (evaluated by consumers)
1st place: TOYOTA Toyota Motor Corporation
Second place: Google Google
3rd place: Panasonic Panasonic
4th place: Canon Canon
5th place: SONY Sony
6th: Disney Disney
7th place: Nintendo Nintendo
8th place: NINTENDO DS Nintendo DS
9th: Windows
10th: National National
11th place: KIRIN Kirin Brewery
12th: STUDIO GHIBLI Studio Ghibli
14th: SUNTORY Suntory
14th place: MUJI MUJI
17th place: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
18th place: 7-ELEVEn Seven - Eleven
19th place: CUP NOODLE cup noodles
20th place: Queepie
20th place: Coca-Cola Coca-Cola
22nd place: Kao Kao
22nd place: TOKYU HANDS Tokyu Hands
22nd place: Haagen-Dazs Haagen-Dazs
22nd place: RAKUTEN Rakuten Market
26th place: Meiji Meiji Seika
27th place: Fuji TV
28th place: Yahoo! Yahoo
30th place: NISSIN Nissin Foods
31st place: au Au
31st place: Epson Epson
31st place: HONDA Honda
34th: iPod
35th place: KAGOME Kagome
35th place: Yamato Transport
37th place: Asahi SUPER "DRY" Asahi Super Dry
38th place: Asahi Asahi Breweries
39th: House Foods House Foods
40th: Microsoft Microsoft

Next is BtoB editing. We are investigating only corporate brands for 500 brands, and comprehensive power is calculated from "foresight" "human resources" "creditworthiness" "affinity" "vitality" "other images".

■ Business Market (BtoB) Edition (Evaluation by Business Person)
1st place: TOYOTA Toyota Motor Corporation
Second place: Honda Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
3rd place: SONY Sony
4th place: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
5th place: Matsushita Electric Works
6th: SUNTORY Suntory
7th place: SHARP SHARP
8th: Canon Canon
9th place: Nintendo Nintendo
10th place: KIRIN Kirin Beer
11th place: NISSAN Nissan Motor
12th: Apple Apple Computer
13th place: Asahi Asahi Breweries
14th: Microsoft Microsoft
14th: OLC Oriental Land
16th place: IMPERIAL HOTEL Imperial Hotel
17th: Google Google
18th: NTT DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo
19th place: TOSHIBA Toshiba
20th place: SoftBank Softbank
20th place: RAKUTEN Rakuten
22nd place; JAPANET TAKATA Japanet Takata
22nd place: HITACHI Hitachi, Ltd.
22nd: IBM IBM
22nd place: Yamato Transport
26th: NISSIN Nissin Foods
27th place: McDonald's McDonald's
28th: ​​SHISEIDO Shiseido
29th place: Kao Kao
30th place: Yahoo Yahoo
31st place: au Au
31st place: BRIDGESTONE Bridgestone
31st: ANA All Nippon Airways Co.
34th place: AsahiKASEI Asahi Kasei
35th: Nikon Nikon
35th place: Fuji TV
37th place: 7-ELEVEn Seven - Eleven
38th place: KDDI
39th: Coca-Cola Coca-Cola

in Note, Posted by darkhorse