A woman whose shape and size of the left and right feet are completely different
There seems to be a woman in China who has feet with a right foot size of 32 cm and a left foot size of 30 cm. Human body is not symmetrical, so it seems that the size of the foot is different on the left and right, but in her case it is not just a different size, but the shape of the foot is totally different It is.
Details are as follows.
According to the Chinese news site, Shen Xiaojing who lives in a place where women live in agriculture. Mr. Shen said that his legs were bigger when he was born, and now he is 21 years old, the size of the right foot is 32 cm in width, 12 cm in width, 30 cm in size in the left foot and 11 cm in width. Especially the thumb of the right foot has a size of 7.5 cm in length and 4.5 cm in width and it is about the size of a baby's foot, and it can be said that the size of a normal finger is only the thumb of the left foot. Because it has a special shape, it seems that mothers are making shoes.
This is Shen's foot. The size and shape are completely different between the right foot and the left foot.
Currently Shen is an age to get married, but many men seem to be surprised to see their feet surprised. Shen 's two desires are to see the world and to appear in the Guinness Book of Records.
The news article is below.
People's Daily Online - Village girl's unusually large feet
By the way, I do not know where Shen's agricultural department lives, but in Changchun City Agriculture village of Jilin Province of the same name, a huge chicken egg exceeding 9 cm in length and 150 g in weight has been found.
Guinness pending! Chicken gigantic eggs of 9 cm in length and 150 g or more in weight - Changchun, Jilin Province: Record China
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