Animation "Ode to Summer" making full use of traditional Chinese paintings

The animation "Ode to Summer" made by a person named Ron Hui is a beautiful animation in which Chinese traditional painting techniques and 3D animation techniques merge. I draw an invisible surface of a piece of painting. There was something to move the painting of Katsushika Hokusai with CM, but it might be similar to that.

The playback of the movie is from the following.
One clip from "Ode to Summer"

The work is a short story made in 2003. You can see a little how it was made at the end.

You can also see the same on YouTube.

YouTube - Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in 3D

The technique of painting complements the rustic summer landscape, and the depiction of the water surface and the movement of the fish feel cool. Software used for productionMayaSo, we do not paste the texture, only model and shader, rendering is standard renderer.

Shrimp painted by producer Ron Hui is like this.
3D Stills Gallery Image - ShrimpNO.01 Ron Hui

Regarding Ron Hui below.

Three fire

in Video, Posted by logc_nt