Movie making simple missiles with lip cream

It is a movie introducing how to make simple missiles with familiar lip balm. Actually firing, but the distance is also quite good.

Details are as follows.
Lip Balm Secret Missile !! Video

To illustrate how to make it, first remove the lip of the lip cream, turn the shaft, remove the cream part, remove it, pulling the shaft only after pulling off the shaft. Then close the lid, push back the shaft like a syringe, the lid will pop out. Moreover, it seems to fly surprisingly.

By the way, the usage notes are as follows.

Do not use on an airplane
Do not touch on bullying at school
Do not point to cracked lips
For safety, do not forget goggles

I think that it is too simple and there is little power, but is it supposed to think about anything by any chance?

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log