Apple's masterpiece CM "Think different." And its making image
"Think different." Is the campaign Apple made in 1998. It appeared to be great people and celebrities in various fields, it seems that it was said that it brought back the brand image which had fallen in those days at the time and revived Apple together with the big hit of iMac of August. We will introduce CM movies, posters, and making images that were thrown at such "Think different." Campaign.
Details are as follows.
Commercial 60 second version of "Think different."
YouTube - Think Different
Specifically, it is not a commercial advertising something, but I do not care about it.
The poster used in the campaign can be seen from the following.
Think Different 1
Think Different 2
Making picture of "Think different." Campaign.
The making of think different - Google Video
The details on this campaign are the following sites.
Jobs & amp; Co .-- An Apple Story | Nobuyuki Hayashi |
In addition, the movie other than those introduced here and the narration in the movie are summarized on the following site.
Think different. - Excite ism Apple Wiki
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