Aircraft landing movie

Landing is one of the difficult technologies in basic aircraft operations. It seems to be because we can not landing safely unless we check the wind direction and wind power and properly adjust the speed and approach angle.

So, I tried collecting landing movies including failures and successes.
First of all, the movie will be the tail wings.

Plane looses tail in landing - Google Video

The next is a movie in a way that fails not to be broken. Even just imagining what is going on inside the cabin is terrifying ....

Not the usual plane landing - Google Video

This time a miraculously successful landing. Even on television and so on for a while many people often wondering whether there are many people who know it.

Plane Landing at LAX with Damaged Landing Gear - Google Video

A famous example of landing from diagonal. It seems like this kind of airport.

Kai Tak International Airport - Google Video

In addition, the aircraft itself has repeated such various crash experiments like this. This is amazing in this.

Browse Category: Crash Tests

Omake:The plane tries to land on the highway ...

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log