"User Profile Hive Cleanup Service" to accelerate Windows shutdown and logoff

When "Windows is saving the setting ..." on the screen when Windows terminates, it got settled and it was hard to finish or log off, use the free software "Microsoft User Profile Hive Cleanup Service "can be used to terminate immediately.

Download, details, cause, installation method are as follows.
Download "User Profile Hive Cleanup Service"

Mirror site

The reason why it takes time to log off is as follows.

Troubleshooting profile unloading issues

In short, it is a common cause that you can not terminate the user session as a result without releasing the registry used by the running program. It is only necessary to identify the cause of the service or software, but it seems that it sometimes happens somewhere at some timing though it does not normally behave. Therefore, you should install it so that you can finish it cleanly any time, there should be no loss.

After downloading and running the installer, click "Next"

Check "I Agree" and click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Close"

In order to check that it is properly installed and running, enter "services.msc" in "Run with specified name" and click "OK".

A window named "Service" is displayed, it is OK if "User Profile Hive Cleanup Service" is in the list and the status is "Start".

in Review,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log