Experience type treasure hunt from Japan trip "Moe! Search Secret Project ALICE"

When you read the news release, it says at the top "Master, please lend me your maid". I do not know what he is saying, but I do not know what I am writing even if I read the site, please translate someone.

Moe's top secret project!

This is a super real authentic treasure hunt. With the setting of the main character of the story called "CODE ALICE", while solving the mystery, you can do a treasure hunt with a cute maid. After the treasure hunting, there is time for the photo shoot party as well! (With lunch) In addition, limited only to those who participate in cosplay! Maid's autograph Comment entered 2 shot Picture gift! It is! It is!

...... Who is going? The fee is 9,800 yen, decided on May 21, 2006. There are 120 recruitment staff and 80 minimum people. It is strange and doubtful whether it gathers so much .... If you go, it may become a story. Although there is a high possibility of becoming a story that can not be forgotten for a lifetime ....

I think that it will be dispatched realmade seems to be an employee of Coco.
Welcome to Fairy Bell

The story looks like this ...

In recent years, the victory or defeat of the high-tech war depends on how you can grasp the information network.
Therefore, each country is investigating a mutual information network, investing a large amount of government expenses and conducting fierce spa activities with confidentiality.
Of course, it is not an exception to spy activity against Japan.

As such, a problem occurred in one of the spy activities against Japan by the Grass Republic, which is said to be a major country of the frontier (Operation name: CODE TOROY.
CODE TOROY is the name of the spy activity that was invaded into Japan by the "Trojan horse" tactics like the name.
Agent name "ALICE", a key person in this mission, suddenly disappeared.

The information on the Japanese side that "ALICE" was collecting was contained in one microfilm, but if "ALICE" is disappeared, hide it somewhere.
It is inevitable that this film will develop into international problems if it crosses the Japanese side.

...... My brain hurts, but I still have a continuation.

So I would like to find the record that "ALICE" was lost earlier than the Japanese side with the special agent "LITTLE ALICE" dispatched from President Dumpty this time.

All the special agents are dressing Japan 's "very general and outstanding appearance", "maid". According to the information grabbed by the excellent agent of our country, what is called "maid" in recent years in Japan is prevalent, all citizens of the land are wearing this "maid clothes". This is part of the "Trojan horse" tactic, letting you blend into the enemies to make our identity unnoticeable and make your missions perform more smoothly! It is! (It is not a president's personal taste! It is definitely not !!)

I wish you good luck and good luck!

It seems that this "LITTLE ALICE" is probably a real maid of a real monster ....

Nippon Travel Agency, Super real experience type treasure hunting event "Moe! Secret project ~ Find ALICE ~" released

Scheduled schedule
Time contents
10: 00 ~ 10: 15 Odaiba Ship Science Gallery 1F Aurora Hall Collection
10: 15 ~ 11: 15 Rule explanation and team announcement
11: 15 ~ 11: 30 Each team's strategy conference
11:30 Mission started
14:00 End of mission
14: 00 ~ 15: 30 Lunch / award ceremony and photo session
15:30 dissolution

Is it a day trip ...... Do you go straight to everyone to Akihabara like this?

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log