Heilmon became a successful prayer "Hirelmon (entrance)"

At the sweets store, I was hunting to buy a throat candy, where I found a sweet called "Hirelemon" that is not Heilmont. I purchased it unintentionally. It is a sweet that supports students by saying "I'm going to do my best!"

Details are as follows.
I am concerned about the Ohajiki type ... Is not it an ordinary seal?

On the back side is a mysterious QR code

This is a seal, pretty ... I want to eat it in mind while I do not eat it

Meiji Seika: Do your best! Vitamin C 3 times hypertone

What, it seems that vitamin C content is triple as compared with hyalemon seriously. If you eat at the same time with the usual Heilymon's stomach at once, the inside of the mouth gets hung up and it feels bitter in the end.

By the way, if you go to the pharmacy you can purchase powder of vitamin C only with one can (such as one can is too big), that has quite a terrible effect. I have about 1 cup of spoon every day, but it is a tasteful depth that surpasses all kinds of health foods such as blue juice and various other foods. First sour and bitter, intensely bitter. Moreover, it sticks to the throat because it is powder, we let it go. Because it is so sour, irritation will come to every part, it is not a ratio of things like shigekicks. Even now I write such sentences like that, that memorable memory has been resurrected, the mouth is in a serious situation, so do not imitate a good child nor a bad child.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt