
「Nintendo Switch(有機ELモデル)」の発表ムービーで登場した「廊下でひとりゲームする男性」にインターネットユーザーから総ツッコミ

2021年7月6日、Nintendo Switchの新モデルとなる「Nintendo Switch(有機ELモデル)」が発表されました。突然の発表であったため多くのゲーマーの注目を集めることとなった新モデルですが、新モデルと同じくらいSNS上で話題になったのが、公式ムービーで登場した「廊下でひとりゲームする男性」です。

Random: That Guy Playing The Switch OLED In His Hallway Is Driving Social Media Bonkers - Nintendo Life

話題になっているのは、「Nintendo Switch(有機ELモデル)」の発表と同時に公開された以下のムービーの中で登場するひとりの男性です。

Nintendo Switch(有機ELモデル) 初公開映像 - YouTube


このムービーに違和感を覚えたTwitterユーザーの@Compenderizerさんが、「Nintendo Switch(有機ELモデル)」のムービーで最もばかげたシーンは、男性が自宅に帰ってきて、ポケモンをプレイするのに最適な場所として廊下を選ぶところです」とツイートしたところ、記事作成時点で約3000回リツイートされ、2万7000回以上のいいねを集めることとなりました。

The most absurd scenario in the Nintendo Switch OLED trailer was when a man walks into his home and just decides that the hallway is the best place for him to play Pokemon pic.twitter.com/Wbb8cV20zS

— Chris Compendio ???????? (@Compenderizer)


So I was not the only to think that playing in this place was completely weird. Like come one man, you came home, you just can do three steps to sit on a real chair or couch in the living room... https://t.co/4sGXq8iwTn

— Hakanaou@TSUKIHIME REMAKE (@perfectharmonia)


I was so confused by that too. Who the heck just play on the first bench in the hallway they found when they arrive home after work. It's as if they are hiding from their family, getting their quick Pokemon fix that isn't approved by society... https://t.co/bY0HWUZYUo

— Martin Dinet (@MartinDinet)


realistically, he’d be on a toilet https://t.co/JUrzvSBuDF

— Mark J. M. (@Mas0nMan)


“My wife says I have to keep the Nintendo out of the bedroom and the living room and the kitchen.” https://t.co/roRsQVw5eP

— Droux (@Epiphanetic)

「ムービーは任天堂がNintendo Switch(有機ELモデル)を売り込もうとする方法としてはとても奇妙で、特に以下のシーンは本当に最悪でした」と辛辣な批判を展開する人も。

The trailer was bizarre in how they're trying to market it but this part was truly the worst https://t.co/6TBGxGWXgi

— Ryan????️‍????Kamen Rider All-Gay (@DearestZeus)


This drove me bonkers. He can’t even lean back. There is surely a couch steps away. Nintendo is gaslighting us. https://t.co/ZVDDKJefI6

— Matthew Thomason: Starro Stan (@ResDolph)


This was the most awkward part of that trailer. https://t.co/g832YYrcnc

— Just Bake (@TigerRaid)


???? glad to know I wasn’t the only one who was like uh?? https://t.co/auoPD0ks3M

— Alison???????????? (@AlisonTurjancik)

「ムービーを見て気づいたのは、誰も普通の人のようにNintendo Switchを使っていないということです」と、ムービーで挙げられたシチュエーションがリアルなものではないとする意見もあります。

Literally the first thing I noticed from the trailer was that nobody was using their switch like a normal person https://t.co/fuYzc08viW

— Mogen! (@MogenOS)


I showed my mom this trailer and she said the exact same thing https://t.co/mV2HYwwyvf

— Cam (@cashewgames1)


@NintendoAmerica hire me to sit at every meeting so I can make fun of ideas like this before it reaches the public… https://t.co/A5pSmfPbnV

— Justin Wells (@justinwells)


I actually do this https://t.co/Hbd6AGFbxJ

— Liberty @ Wimbledon ???? (@rabootu)


I mean this is the most accurate depiction of wanting to play games the minute you get home ive ever seen https://t.co/vnyDsyqKZO

— Glenasawrus (@Glenasawrus)


For me, this is honestly the most relateable part of the trailer https://t.co/KCBqfKoLP6

— Jason Myers, Folklore Enthusiast (@JasonOftheFunk)


I've literally done this. i used to always sit on the floor just like whenever when i was a kid playing on my ds https://t.co/d1NBUJ7jrM

— www (@XENOGOTH)


If he’s married with kids, the hall might be the only place he can play Pokémon lmao https://t.co/cE0wtvw2Zo

— Kristina ???? (@tinaarenee)


Lmfao... clearly you underestimate how well Nintendo knows their fans... https://t.co/5K1lmzIIVr

— Major Contrarian (@Gregbytez)


i will be playing pokemon brilliant diamond while sitting beside my front door in solidarity with this man https://t.co/siy6QWQm0T

— Josh Wahab (@Josh_Wahab)


「Nintendo Switch(有機ELモデル)」が登場、より大きく美しいディスプレイに進化した新モデルに - GIGAZINE

実際に「Nintendo Switch(ニンテンドースイッチ)」をゲット&使用してわかったことまとめ - GIGAZINE

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in 動画,   ゲーム, Posted by logu_ii

You can read the machine translated English article here.