


Coronavirus: 15 stunning photos show how animals are reclaiming human spaces


Mountain lions moving back into boulder during lockdown. from r/aww

タイのロッブリー県では、サルの大群が大問題に。イギリスの大衆紙Daily Mailの報道によると、腹をすかせた都会のサルと近隣の寺院の境内に生息しているサルがバナナをめぐって争いを始めたため、サルを見慣れている地元の住民でさえ仰天していたとのことです。


Hungry monkeys brawl over food as coronavirus hits tourism in Thailand - YouTube

一方、インドの首都デリーでは孤独なサルも出没。インドの日刊紙The Hinduで編集者を務めるNistula Hebbar氏は、デリーの閑散とした歩道橋をサルが歩いている写真を投稿して、「まるで映画『アイ・アム・レジェンド』のようです」とコメントしました。

This is such an “I am Legend” kinda pic. A monkey walks over a deserted footover bridge in Delhi as the city is witnessing a complete lock down. in New Delhi. Photo @rvmoorthyhindu @the_hindu pic.twitter.com/z3nq9l0hTR

— Nistula Hebbar (@nistula)


As the nationwide lockdown in Italy enters its second week due to the #coronavirus outbreak, Venice's canals appear to be crystal clear. Follow for live updates: https://t.co/IviOWyuNOu pic.twitter.com/yTyObHMZFX

— Reuters (@Reuters)


Italy Cagliari port dolphin comes out Video shot today the guys of Luna Rossa. Ferries no longer - YouTube



No traffic, flights, people or pollution. Is our planet slowly healing? The canals of Venice, Calfornia have herons, egrets & cormorant birds & look in the clear water - crabs on the mud below. We see brighter stars, hear more birds & have time for our neighbors. It’s something. pic.twitter.com/9Vj6ps6uNm

— Jane Wurwand (@Dermalogicajane)


Coronavirus in Catalonia — Boars descend from the mountains to the very center of Barcelona, after several days of people being locked at homepic.twitter.com/6IRFzl2cKz

— Alfons López Tena (@alfonslopeztena)


A javelina was caught speeding near 22nd and Kolb in Tucson. https://t.co/NPmuBvrATc pic.twitter.com/X1F1StOYVG

— Hannah Tiede (@HannahTiedeTV)


Turkeys in Boston are living their best lives these days... pic.twitter.com/a1Y5WGNgvt

— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS)


Harvard has always been ours https://t.co/UUHmMVyo6V

— Rogue Turkey ???? (@TurkeyGangMA)


Spotted on the playground at the elementary school next door, which has been closed for several days ... wild turkeys! That’s a first. #coronavirus #westoakland pic.twitter.com/tGA4y1l09c

— Charlotte Simmonds (@CharSimmonds)


Does this count? from r/reclaimedbynature


The adventure continues! ????????
This morning, Edward and Annie explored Shedd’s rotunda. They are a bonded pair of rockhopper penguins, which means they are together for nesting season. Springtime is nesting season for penguins at Shedd, and this year is no different! (1/3) ???? pic.twitter.com/VdxN3oQAfe

— Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium)


Eastern ghats in South India, post corona-induced lockdown (2) ???? from r/reclaimedbynature

とはいえ、インドでは新型コロナウイルスがまん延する前からヒョウがたびたび目撃されてきました。以下は、写真家のShaaz Jung氏がインド南部の大チョーラ朝寺院群でくつろぐオスのヒョウを撮影した2013年の写真です。ヒョウの名前は「モンク」で、2005年~2014年の間寺院の覇者だったとのこと。


The forest was filled with birdsong, pure and ethereal. I spent many evenings with an old friend; the value of it seldom known until it was lost. Together we watched many a sky die and together, we existed in harmony as the cuckoos sang to the passing winds. Winds that will forever carry whispers of a Temple and its eternal followers. . . This was Monk, the original Temple Male of Kabini who ruled this 300 year old Chola temple from 2005 to 2014. Monk passed at age 13 but his aura shall always light the walls of this temple, like it did on that monsoon evening in 2013. . . #shaazjung #nikon #wildlife #nature #leopard #kabini #nikonasia

Shaaz Jung(@shaazjung)がシェアした投稿 -


Eastern Ghats in South India, post corona-induced lockdown (1) ???? from r/reclaimedbynature


UPDATE: They just went LIVE at the park showing how empty it was. Then proceeded to show the pile of unsold deer crackers and bought one (for 200 yen) and fed them. The deer want more!! ???? pic.twitter.com/q2PdNpy9XP

— Kurumi Mori (@rumireports)


新型コロナウイルスの影響でイタリアの大気汚染が激減、そのことが一目でわかるムービーも公開中 - GIGAZINE

新型コロナウイルスの流行による旅客便削減で「航空貨物の運賃」が高騰している - GIGAZINE

中国が野生動物の取引と消費を禁止へ - GIGAZINE

犬から新型コロナウイルスの弱陽性反応が検出される - GIGAZINE

「ネコが新型コロナウイルスに感染した」というニュースに慌てるのはまだ早いとの指摘 - GIGAZINE

新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大は「世界終焉の危機」にあるといえるのか? - GIGAZINE

猫が新型コロナウイルス対策でインドから中国に強制送還されるおそれ、動物保護団体は「殺されてしまう」と反対 - GIGAZINE

中国の新型コロナウイルスの感染源となった生鮮市場では「コアラ・オオカミの子ども・クジャク・ラクダ」などが食用として売られていた - GIGAZINE

in 生き物, Posted by log1l_ks

You can read the machine translated English article here.