Advice that fiction writers should try writing nonfiction, and nonfiction writers should try writing fiction.

When you're stuck in your creative endeavors, trying something other than your favorite genre or trying a different method than usual can lead to new discoveries and success. Mr. Abbott Kahler, who has created a New York Times best-selling non-fiction work, talks about ``Advantages of fiction writers writing non-fiction'' and ``Advantages of non-fiction writers writing fiction''.

Why Nonfiction Writers Should Try Writing Fiction (and Vice Versa) ‹ Literary Hub

Ms. Kahler published a nonfiction work in 2008 under the pseudonym Karen Abbott called ' Sin in the Second City: Madams, Ministers, Playboys, and the Battle for America's Soul .' This book about the Everly Club , considered the most famous brothel in American history, was selected as a New York Times bestseller. Mr. Kahler has since written three nonfiction books, all of which have received critical acclaim.

One day, Mr. Kahler saw a documentary about ``One identical twin loses his memory due to an accident'' and wanted to write a book about the inseparable bond and feelings of twins. However, as non-fiction, the story has already been told, so this was Kahler's first attempt at writing fiction.

Nonfiction and fiction are completely different genres, and even if you're an author with multiple bestselling nonfiction titles, writing fiction requires new skills and tools. So, for the first time in his writing career, Kahler decided to find inspiration by digging into his own life and family upbringing.

According to Mr. Kahler, a characteristic of nonfiction writing is that ``universal and perfect words exist in the original work (actual events and testimonies)''. As a result, the conversations that appear in the work end up depicting only what was actually said, and it is possible to make incorrect expressions such as ``the expressions are not beautiful'' or ``the word selection is not accurate.'' Basically not. Kahler says that by summarizing the information you need before you start writing, you create a clear blueprint that is longer than the book itself.

On the other hand, when it comes to fiction, Kahler says, 'There's a tremendous amount of freedom.' You can create a timeline from scratch without being tied to actual dates or words. There are some routes that you shouldn't take due to the development, or the story stalls and stops, but there are often times when a sense of freedom awaits you after passing through those routes.

After writing fiction, Kahler says, 'Fiction taught me the importance of being ruthless in editing from the plot, including avoiding long backstory sections that don't move the story forward.' . Also, regarding his approach to fiction as a nonfiction writer, Kahler says, ``Nonfiction focuses on meticulous research and vivid detail.The same goes for efforts to make a fictional setting feel realistic.'' It also leads to this.”

On the other hand, what fiction and nonfiction have in common is that they want their readers to feel like they're curious about what's next. Kahler says that an exciting way to see what will happen next is by experiencing both fiction and non-fiction writing, which allows students to draw on each other's experiences.

in Note, Posted by log1e_dh