Police begin investigation after high school boy shared AI-generated ``fake nude photo of high school girl classmate'' in group chat

It was discovered that male students at Westfield High School in New Jersey, USA, were using AI to create and share nude photos of their female classmates. The police are currently investigating this incident, but they are reportedly in the dark as they are unable to access the images in question and it is unclear whether distributing fake nude photos is illegal.

AI-generated nudes of girls at NJ high school trigger police probe


Westfield High School student accused of creating AI nude images of classmates

New Jersey high school students accused of making AI-generated pornographic images of classmates - CBS New York

Teen boys use AI to make fake nudes of classmates, sparking police probe | Ars Technica

According to the news media New York Post, this incident was discovered on October 16, 2023, when female students complained that a second-year male student at Westfield High School was acting strangely.

On October 20th, one of the male students revealed the truth to the female students, and at least one student created a fake nude photo of a fellow female student found online. It turns out he shared it with other boys in a group chat.

Citing confidentiality, a spokesperson for the high school declined to speak to the media about the total number of students involved or whether any students were disciplined.

However, New York television station FOX 5 New York reports that one student was suspended from school for several days. The student has already returned to school at the time of writing the article. Some female students have also reportedly been told by school staff that they were in nude photos.

'We were very angry and many girls were crying,' said Francesca Mani, one of the female students affected. 'Just seeing him in the hallway makes me scared.'

Dorota Mani, mother of 14-year-old Francesca, said: ``I'm terrified of how and when this will surface as an issue. My daughter has a bright future ahead of her and this is causing her to lose her job.'' No one can guarantee that your studies and relationships will not be affected.'

Mr. Mani said he did not want his daughter to attend the same school as the person who took the nude photo, and has appealed to the school to expel the student in question, as well as filing a complaint with the Westfield Police Department. That's it.

Principal Mary Asfendis sent an email to students and parents on Oct. 20 explaining the nature and circumstances of the incident. Principal Asfendis said, ``In the early hours of today, we received information that some of our students used artificial intelligence to create pornographic images from original photos. 'We have received significant concerns as to whether the images were shared. At this time, we believe that all images created have been deleted and are no longer in circulation.'

The school is asking affected students and their parents to report the incident to the police. However, a person involved in the investigation told the New York Post that no one in the police has seen the photos in question, and revealed that the police have not been able to obtain the nude photos created in this case.

Reportedly, there is currently no federal law restricting the creation of fake sexual images of real people. In June 2023, child safety experts expressed concern that ``thousands of real but fake AI-generated child pornography images are being shared online and there is no way to stop them.'' was doing.

With the advent of sophisticated image generation AI such as OpenAI's DALL-E, it has become extremely easy to create 'deepfakes' that are processed by AI of real people, and in March 2023, an arrest was made in Midjourney. A user who created a fake photo of former President Donald Trump has been banned.

A person who used the image generation AI ``Midjourney V5'' to generate a fake ``former President Trump arrested'' image is banned from using it - GIGAZINE

Additionally, in Japan, a video that appeared to make it appear that Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was making obscene comments became a problem after it was spread on social media.

in Software,   , Posted by log1l_ks