JRA publishes horse racing video with tracking graphics for positioning

JRA has released a race video of the GII Milers Cup held on Sunday, April 23, 2023 on YouTube. This video reflects the tracking information of each horse, so that you can see how each horse is positioned in places that are not captured by the camera.

[With Tracking] 2023 Milers Cup | JRA Official-YouTube

A smooth start with no delays.

A tracking graphic was displayed at the bottom of the screen about 6 seconds after the start of the race. In addition to this, information on where you are running on the course, the degree of uphill and downhill gradients, and the top speed are also available.

The top is No. 13, Shiny Rock. The middle row is a block, and it's hard to tell which horse is where in the video, but thanks to traffic graphics, No. 15 Soul Rush is circling outside, and No. 9 Seitzinger is just wrapped in the center. I understand this.

I started climbing the slope at the 3rd corner of Kyoto. The gradient display at the bottom right is '1%'.

Downward is '-2%'. The line was lengthened vertically.

A group of horses coming around the final corner.

The tracking graphic that was proceeding to the right rotates.

A tracking graphic that runs to the left like a horse.

With about 300m remaining, the tracking graphics faded out.

The race was cut off by No. 10 Schnellmeister, who came around the outside in a straight line. I think it would be easier to understand if the tracking graphics were displayed until the end.

In the future, the tracking system will be available from April 23rd (Sun) to 30th (Sun) at Kyoto Racecourse, from May 6th (Sat) to June 11th (Sun) at Tokyo Racecourse, and from June 17th (Sat). It will be operated in the 11th race of each race at the Hanshin Racecourse on the 25th (Sunday).

In addition, from April 23rd to 30th, it will be broadcast only at Kyoto Racecourse, from May 6th and 7th, it will be broadcast only at Tokyo Racecourse, and from May 13th to June 25th, it will be broadcast at racetracks nationwide, Winds, and Green Channel. will be aired on

in Video, Posted by logc_nt